SAP Whole-Testpaper |   41205

SAP Whole-Testpaper

SAP new placement papers. SAP on line written test pattern, SAP test procedure. selection procedure SAP placement experiences shared by different students. SAP conducted placement drice on 22/23 rd January 2014 in West Bengal Around 300 students were appeared MY experiences shared with you SAP campus placement recruitment drive procedure

SAP new and latest placement papers questions with answers on line test pattern 

Hi friends,

I appeared for the Sap labs placement drive 2014 conducted on 22th and 23th of Jan,2014.I am from Dr. B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur,West Bengal.It was a pool campus drive in our college with 9 more colleges. Interview was on 7th Feb,2014.
Test was conducted on

Student appeared - 300+.
Total Student Cleared Online test -38.

SAP Campus Drive details:-

->Eligible branches :- CSE, IT,ECE branches of B.Tech 2014 batch.
->Eligibility Criteria :- 60 % in Class X & Class XII, 70 % as per B.Tech average.

SAP Selection Procedure :- Online test of 1 hr 30 mins.
SAPTest Details:-

It consisted of 5 sections:-
Total time given was 1 hr and 30 minutes. There was no negative marking.

1.) Aptitude:- (10 questions) 1 mark each question.
Main topics:-
- Geometry-Questions related to circle and triangle (Little Bit tough).
- Pipes and Cisterns
- Probability
- Time and Work,Time Speed and Distance
2.) Logical reasoning:- (10 questions).1 mark each question
-Blood Relation- 4 to 5 questions.
-Coding & decoding

3.) Verbal:- (11 questions).Essay-10 marks & 1 marks questions.
- An essay of not more than 300 words had to be written and it carried 10 marks.
-Future of Nokia.
-Competitive exams in india.
-Potholes of India
-Aam Aadmi Party
and many mores....

1 marks question:-
- Identify error in sentence.3 to 4 questions
- Jumbled sentences.-4 to 5 questions
- Synonyms and Antonyms.1 to 2 questions

4.) Technical:-(10 questions).1 marks questions.
-Very basic and simple questions from c and dbms.
-Error Detection in Programs.

5.) Coding Section :- 1 question of 20 marks.(Real Time Programming)
Some Programs asked by me and my frnds :-

--->Bleak Numbers
In Mathematics each number has one special number, which it supports, chosen as follows. It counts the number of ones in its own binary representation, and adds this count to itself to obtain the value of the number it supports. That is, if j(m) means the number of ones in the binary representation of m, then m supports m+j(m). For example, the number eight (1000 in binary) supports nine, whereas nine supports eleven.
However, in this way not all the numbers get supported; some are left without support, and we call these numbers bleak. For example since one supports two, two supports three and three supports five, there is no number less than four, which would support four, so four is bleak.

Your task is for a given number recognize if it is bleak or supported by some number.


First integer containing the number of test cases, followed by the number to be checked.


For every checked number n write one line containing the word BLEAK if n is bleak or the word SUPPORTED if given n there exists m such that n=m+j(m). In case of wrong input print -999.





Basic features of the program (work cum education) :
Working with SAP along with pursuing MS in software Engineering..
§ Program set up with BITS Pilani
§ Duration – 2 years
§ Degree Received – M.S in Software Engineering
§ Logistics – Work at SAP – Monday to Friday
Classes on Saturday at SAP Facility.

Fees for BITS paid by SAP; no out of pocket expenses for students.
Each students will work in at least 3 separate departments in SAP. At the end of the 2 years, they can be formally inducted into SAP based on their performance and feedback
Stipend offered : Rs. 25,000/- p.m.

Hoping for the best.

With Regards,
