SAP Placement Paper
1) What is meant by Database view?
2) What is the difference between Truncate and Round?
3) Explain database schema ?
4) Explain bug life-cycle ?
5) Hans is standing behind Gerry and Gerry is standing behind Hans. How is this possible at the same time?
6) 361-->22, 121-->14, 81-->12, 25-->......?
a) 8,
b) 10,
c) 24,
7) How do you test a stapler?
8) A website content is changing dynamically. How do you test this website?
9) 7 people are traveling in a bus. Each of them has 7 bags. Each bag contains 7 cats. Each cat has 7 small cats. How many legs were traveling in the bus?
a) 10990,
b) 1376,
c) 1342,
d) 60
10) The unix server got hanged-up abruptly. How do you shutdown the server?
a) kill -9,
b) kill -9 PID,
c) init
d) init 6