SAIL Interview Questions
SAIL-Steel Authority of India Limited Mangement Trainee Entrance exam -SAIL MT 2014 General Awareness placement paper (held on 23rd march 2014)- Non technical questions
General Knowledge :
1.bharatnatyam- tamil nadu originated in kerela : mohinattam
3.a voice of freedom-nayantara sehgal
4.dynamite-alfred nobel
5.amrtya sen-nobel economics prize
6.frozen kashmir book- jagmohan malhotra
7.farewell to arms- ernest hemingway
8.ramom magasasay award for-human service
9.magasasay 2012- k francis
10.milky way-spiral
15.nelson mandela nobel peace prize in: 1993
16.first women india olympics award-karnam malleshwari
17.2012 nobel literature- mo yan my style-kapil dev of thousand lakes-finland
20.attornry general-president
21.rajya sabha chairman- vice president
22.karl benz- gas powered automobile
23.electric generator-faraday
24.first chief justice : kania
25.padmapur, a famous buddhist site is in which state? ans- odisha
General English:
1,2,3,4,5.: synonyms of penchant,enjoined,implicate,includes,estimate....liking,urged,falsely accuse,consists of,approximate
6.on friday in the morning
7.treachery of kauravs shud be a means to an end
9-15. fill in d blanks on prepositions & articles
16-25->passage on diabetes
16.insulin secreted by? pancreas
17.why shud v visit doctor?
18.resistance to insulin? diabetes?
20.diabetes in children?
21.instance meaning? example/case-study
22.alleviate antonym? aggravate
23-25. other passage qs.
1-3 puzzle on arrangement A to I
1.4th left of H? D two ends? A & I
4-6 puzzle on salary
4.max. salary? B
5.least salary?
6.salary of B?
7.blood relation qs 1? sister
8.blood relation qs 2? grand-daughter
9-14. venn diagram type questions ? marathi-hindi,cricket-football,newpaper-TV news,3 variable,civics-sanskrit,etc.
15-20data sufficiency qs.? rank of M,siblings,height of students,etc.
21,22.another puzzle test
23-25.other reasoning questions.
Quantitative Aptitude
1.which is better stock investment? 13%
2.retail discount? 25%
3.qs. on average
4.third proportional of 9/15
5.find train length? 330m
6.rate of interest on stock purchase? earning from stock?
8,9.two qs. on stocks?
10.cost of 5 pens & 5 pencils?
11.A is twice efficient as B.find time for B alone?
12.time & work qs. on men & women?
13.time & work qs. on A,B,C? 24 days
14.pipes & cisterns qs? 9 min.
15,16.other pipes & cisterns qs?
17,18.profit & loss % qs.?
19,20,21.SI,CI & Investment qs.?
22.qs. on 3 numbers? 36,x,y..
23.qs. on 3 nos. wd squares?
24.population increase%?
25.length of pole shadow?
[Gk was moderate.. :) the quantitative part was very calculation-intensive.. english was OK.. & reasoning was lengthy.. :P :O]
SAIL Mangement Trainee Entrance exam 2014 Mechanical Technical questions
Fluid Mechanics :
1.Buoyant force detrmind by? archimedes' principle drop in laminar flow varies as? velocity
3.kaplan turbine? axial flow
4.printer's ink? thixotropic
5.impulse turbine for? high head
6.Cv for sharp edged orifice? 0.98
7.hydraulic ram is used for?
8.momentum correction factor? beta
9.pressure on runner blades in reaction turbine? >atm. press.
Heat Transfer:
10.unit of stefan-boltzmann constant? w/m^2K^4 per wein's law, wavelength varies as? 1/T
12.thermal diffusivity varies as? k
Thermodynamics :
13.kelvin-planck statement deals with conservation of ? conversion of heat into work
14.ratio of rms to mean speed of gas molecules? done for closed syytem max. in? isobaric
16.efficiency of carnot cycle depends on? max. & min. temps.
17.thermal engines convert? heat into mechanical energy
18.qstn on concept of entropy?
19.steady flow reversible adiabatic process?
Industrial Engineering:
20.which is not correct about Periodic Reordering System? it requires cont. monitoring of inventory levels
21.P/V ratio? transportation problem,how is an unacceptable route is handled? by carrying high cost
23.salary of employees is? fixed cost
24.value analysis is done when?
25.assembly line qs.?
26.if rating factor=120%,obs. tym=30 sec. dn & allowances=15%, normal tym=? 36 sec.
27.ABC analysis,full form? Always Better Control
28.which statement is correct? qualit. technqs for long range & quant. technqs for short range
29.critical path has? longest duration
30.reorder point numerical?
31.exponential method qs.? beak even point? total revenue=total cost
33.for random arrivals in queuing system,distribution used is? poisson
34.which is qualt. method of forecasting? delphi
35.gantt. chart qs.?
36.if critical path=20 months,stndrd devn=4 months,dn prob. of completion wdn 24 months is? 84.2%
37.qs. on product development
38.measure of forecast error? MAD kendall's notation,1st position is? prob. of law of arrivals CPM,project duration cn be reduced by crashing? one or more critical activities only..
41.if demand is doubled & ordering cost is halved, dn EOQ? unchanged
Industrial Safety : per OSHA,oxygen deficient atm. is having? <19.5% oxygen per OSHA,fire hazard is possible when oxygen level is? >23.5% (not sure) per OSHA,personal protective equipment is req. for which level? A/B/C/D per OSHA,carbon dioxide conc. is air shud not be more than? per OSHA,lead conc. shud not be more than? per OSHA,asbestos conc. shud not be more than?
Manufacturing :
48.last step in CAD is?
49.CIM involves?
50.machining centre is?
51.tym req. for fetching & execution of 1 simple instruction is? CPU cycle
52-54.CNC/DNC qs?
55.T-slot machining steps?
56.drilling qs.? EBM, vaccum=10^-5 torr.
58.which welding uses non-consumable electrode? TIG gas welding by neutral flame,if acetylene consumed=10litres, dn oxygen consumed? =10litres
60.casting ability of aluminium increased by adding? silicon
61.tool for EDM? copper
62.which is correct? diamond is not used for machining steel
63.half nut is used in lathe for? thread cutting
64.grinding machine qs.?
65.which is solid state joining? friction welding
66.gear manufacturing qs.?
67.HSS tool qs.?
Material Science : used in tools & machines? elasticity
69.cast iron is a? brittle material
Strength of Materials :
70.if deflection of cantilever is d, and width is halved, dn deflection is? 4d
71.poisson's ratio numerical?
72.modulus of rigidity numerical? failure theory for ductile material? distortion energy theory thick cylinders, with internal pressure p,radial force acting varies as?
75.stress due to suddenly applied load as compared to gradually applied load? twice
Theory of Machines : radial cam,follower moves how?
77.gear used for non-parallel & non-intersecting shafts? spiral gear of nodes formed when shaft carries 2 rotors at end? 1
79.if w/wn=0.5, dn TR=? 4/3 transverse vibrn,factor multiplied for considrn of inertia? 33/140(not sure)
81.max. unbalanced force to be safe shud be? across 45 degree or 90 degree
82.kinematic pair is? which permits relative motion
83.a vibrating beam has DOF? 2(RK JAIN)
84.if aeroplane engine is in clockwise dirn,and plane turns left? nose is raised & tail is dipped
85.which is more dangerous for ship in sea? pitching(RK JAIN)
Machine Design :
86.material fails below yield point due to? fatigue
87.max. power transmitted by belt when? T=3Tc
88.max. efficiency of screw jack? 1-sin@/1+sin@ heavy duty bearings,material used is? white metal(babbit)
Engineering Mechanics
90.centre of gravity of solid cone? 1/4th from base
91.for banked roads,banking angle varies as?
92.friction angle is? angle between N & R
Power Plant : OCGT,regrtn results in? increase in efficiency sodium-graphite reactor, which is true?
Metrology :
95.basic shaft is? upper devtn=0
96.purpose of ratchet in micrometer screw gauge is? maintain uniform press.
97.cork is an insulator bcoz? it is porous
98.parasitic errors due to? improper measurement collimator is used for? flatness & small angular differences.. (answr given as angular diffrnc in RK JAIN.. :P :D)
100.profile of gear tooth can be checked by? optical projector
[imp. note : industrial & production was full IES+GATE, questions. of other topics are mainly from rk jain+ies+gate.. :) :D ]
Best of luck.. :)