Sail Candidates Experience |   27520

Sail Candidates Experience

Sail previous years solved placement paper questions with answers


Sail Management Trainee Exam on 14th july 2013 Here Im sharing my experience this will help you guys for your upcoming sail recruitment exam.

Hello friends,

Im Rakesh,
I have attended Sail Management Trainee MT exam in Mechanical Discipline on 14th july 2013.

During preparation I had a lot of difficulty as I couldn't find any previous year question paper for SAIL. 

Still I managed to get some info thre net like placement papers on freshers world.

First section is technical with 100 questions 

Positive Mark :1
Negative Mark :-0.25

The questions are very easy type with much of theory. 

Probablily around 80questions were like theory.

Some Questions I remembered 

1.lvdt id used to convert mechanical motion into linear motion

2.frictional force is represnted as f=uN

3.projection welding is a resistance weldind process.

4.newtons 2nd law

5.deflections of springs

6.max heat of sun id due to uv rays

7.ozone prevents humans from uv rays

8.production planning

9.just in time theory zero two sum game. etc

Section 2 was tough.


Synonyms was easy,

GK I felt very very tough,

Aptitude needs more practice. 

Reading comprehension is of standard english,

Need to focus more to understand the para and ans the questions. reasoning and interpretation were quite tough. in all, 

section 1 is easy one can get 60 to70 + easily whereas section 2 needs more practice.

pray for me friends so that I can go to GD and interview.

