SAIL Candidate Experience |   20045

SAIL Candidate Experience

SAIL  Sample Question paper 2012,  SAIL MT exam Sample Questions for Mechnical Engineering 2012,


Hello friends i have attained the SAIL MT exam on 15 july 2012 in Mechanical dicipline.


technical part was very esay, most of the questions were from TOM (vibration)

any one can easily score 60+ score.


this portion was compare to last year there were no polotical questions from constitution.

some ques are....

1. allum is used for....?

ans-water purification which is used to clean water from moequeto...?

ans.-ghumbusia fish

3. 3-idiot is baed on which writer's novel...?

ans-cheta bhagat

4. Home rule league movement started on...?

ans-after the world war 1

5. book of A.P.J. kalam translated in which language..?


6. first atomic p[ower plant of india.....?


7. first geostaticle sattelite of india...?

ans..INSAT 1

8. main criteria to decide inflation rate(mudrasfiti dar)

ans-CPI(consumer price index)


in my opinian 10+ marks in all sub sections of part 2 is enough. cut off may be between 110-120.

hope for the best and alll the best friends.....get fingure crossed.
