RRB Placement Paper |   6313

RRB Placement Paper

RRB conducts recruitments for various posts.RRB Previous Question Papers for JE SSE Posts, RRB Junior Engineer Previous Question Papers with Answers, RRB JE SSE Solved Papers. This paper contains model questions of RRB Mechanical Engineering Solved Model Paper.

                                  RRB Mechanical Engineering Solved Model Paper

1. Work study is concerned with
(a) improving present method and finding standard time
(b) motivation of workers
(c) improving production capability
(d) improving production planning and control
(e) all of the above.
Ans: a

2. Basic tool in work study is
(a) graph paper
(b) process chart
(c) planning chart
(d) stop watch
(e) analytical mind.
Ans: d

3. What does symbol 'O' imply in work study
(a) operation 
(b) inspection
(c) transport
(d) delay/temporary storage
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a

4. What does symbol 'D' imply in work study
(a) inspection
(b) transport
(c) delay/temporary storage
(d) permanent storage
(e) none of the above.
Ans: c

5. What hoes symbol' V' imply in work study
(a) operation
(b) inspection
(c) delay/ temporary Storage
(d) permanent storage
(e) none of the above. 
Ans: d

6. Material handling in automobile industry is done by
(a) overhead crane
(b) trolley 
(c) belt conveyor
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a

7. String diagram is used when
(a) team of workers is working at a place
(b) material handling is to be done
(c) idle time is to be reduced
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a

8. Work study is most useful
(a) where production activities are involved
(b) in judging the rating of machines
(c) in improving industrial relations
(d) in judging the output of a man and improving it
(e) where men are biggest contributor to success of a project.
Ans: a

9. Micromotion study is
(a) enlarged view of motion study
(b) analysis of one stage of motion study
(c) minute and detailed motion study
(d) subdivision of an operation into therbligs and their analysis
(e) motion study of small components upto microseconds.
Ans: d

10. In micromotion study, therblig is described by
(a) a symbol 
(b) an event
(c) an activity 
(d) micro motions
(e) standard symbol and colour.
Ans: e

11. The allowed time for a job equals standard time plus
(a) policy allowance
(b) interference allowance
(c) process allowance
(d) learning allowance
(e) unforeseen allowance.
Ans: a

12. Micromotion study involves following number of fundamental hand motions
(a) 8 
(b) 12
(c) 16 
(d) 20
(e) 24
Ans: c

13. The standard time for a job is
(a) total work content
(b) basic time + relaxation time
(c) total work content + basic time
(d) total work content + delay contingency allowance
(e) total work content + relaxation time.
Ans: d

14. Work study is done with the help of
(a) process chart 
(b) material handling 
(c) stop watch 
(d) all of the above 
(e) none of the above.
Ans: c

15. Scheduling gives information about
(a) when work should start and how much work should be completed during a certain period
(b) when work should complete
(c) that how idle time can be minimised
(d) prcper utilisation of machines
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a

16. Expediting function consists in keeping a watch on
(a) operator's activity
(b) flow of material and in case of trouble locate source of trouble
(c) minimising the delays
(d) making efficient despatching
(e) none of the above.
Ans: b

17. Choose the wrong statement Time study is used to
(a) determine overhead expenses
(b) provide a basis for setting piece prices or incentive wages
(c) determine standard costs
(d) determine the capability of an operator to handle the number of machines
(e) compare alternative methods.
Ans: a

18. Job evaluation is the method-of determining the
(a) relative worth of jobs
(b) skills required by a worker
(c) contribution of a worker
(d) contribution of a job
(e) effectiveness of various alternatives.
Ans: a

19. Micro motion study is
(a) analysis of a man-work method by using a motion picture camera with a timing device in the field of view
(b) motion study* observed on enhanced time intervals
(c) motion study of a sequence of operations conducted systematically
(d) study of man and machine conducted simultaneously
(e) scientific, analytical procedure for determining optimum work method.
Ans: a

20. Per cent idle time for men or machines is found by
(a) work sampling
(b) time study
(c) method study
(d) work study
(e) ABC analysis.
Ans: a

21. TMU in method time measurement stands for
(a) time motion unit
(b) time measurement unit
(c) time movement unit
(d) technique measurement unit
(e) time method unit.
Ans: b

22. Time study is
(a) the appraisal, in terms of time, of the value of work involving human effort
(b) machine setting time
(c) time taken by workers to do a job
(d) method of fixing time for workers
(e) method of determining the personnel Requirement.
Ans: a

23. Work sampling observations are taken on the basis of
(a) detailed calculations
(b) convenience
(c) table of random numbers
(d) past experience
(e) fixed percentage of daily production.
Ans: c

24. One time measurement unit (TMU) in method time measurement system equals
(a) 0.0001 minute 
(b) 0.0006 minute
(c) 0.006 minute 
(d) 0.001 minute 
(e) 0.06 minute.
Ans: b

25. Basic motion time study gives times for basic motions in ten thousandths of
(a) second 
(b) minute
(c) hour 
(d) day
(e) none of the above.
Ans: b

26. Choose the wrong statement. Motion study is used for
(a) improving a work method
(b) improvising a work method
(c) designing a work method
(d) providing a schematic framework 
(e) reducing inventory costs.
Ans: e

27. Gnatt chart provides information about the
(a) material handling
(b) proper utilization of manpower
(c) production schedule
(d) efficient working of machine
(e) all of the above.
Ans: c

28. ABC analysis deals with
(a) analysis of process chart
(b) flow of material
(c) ordering schedule of job
(d) controlling inventory costs money
(e) all of the above.
Ans: d

29. Process layout is employed for
(a) batch production 
(b) continuous type of product
(c) effective utilization of machines
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a

30. For a product layout the material handling equipment must
(a) have full flexibility
(b) employ conveyor belts, trucks, tractors etc.
(c) be a general purpose type
(d) be designed as special purpose for a particular application
(e) arranging shops according to specialization of duties.
Ans: d

31. Travel charts provide
(a) an idea of the flow of materials at various stages
(b) a compact estimate of the handling which must be done between various work sections
(c) the information for changes required in rearranging material handling equipment
(d) an approximate estimate of the handling which must be done at a particular station
(g) solution to handling techniques to achieve most optimum^ results.
Ans: b

32. Product layout is employed for
(a) batch production
(b) continuous production1
(c) effective utilisation of machine
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above.
Ans: b

33. The most important objective behind plant layout is
(a) overall simplification, safety of integration
(b) economy in space
(c) maximum travel time in plant
(d) to provide conveniently located shops
(e) to avoid any bottlenecks.
Ans: a

34. The process layout is best suited where
(a) specialization exists
(b) machines are arranged according to sequence of operation
(c) few number of non-standardised units are to be produced
(d) mass production is envisaged
(e) bought out items are more.
Ans: c

35. A low unit cost can be obtained by following
(a) product layout 
(b) functional layout
(c) automatic material handling equipment
(d) specialisation of operation
(e) minimum travel time plan and compact layout.
Ans: a

36. Military organisation is known as
(a) line organisation
(b) line and staff organisation
(c) functional organisation
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a

37. The main disadvantage of line organisation is
(a) top level executives have to do excessive work
(b) structure is rigid
(c) communication delays occur
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above.
Ans: d

38. The main advantage of line organisation is its
(a) effective command and control
(b) defined responsibilities at all levels
(c) rigid discipline in the organisation
(d) ability of quick decision at all levels
(e) all of the above.
Ans: e

39. Frederick W. Taylor introduced a system of working known as
(a) line organisation
(b) line and staff organisation
(c) functional organisation
(d) effective organisation
(e) none of the above.
Ans: c

40. The salient feature of functional organization is
(a) strict adherence to specification
(b) separation of planning and design part
(c) each individual maintains functional efficiency
(d) work is properly planned and distributed
(e) all of the above.
Ans: e

41. The most popular type of organisation used for Civil Engineering Constructions is
(a) line organisation
(b) line and staff organisation
(c) functional organisation
(d) effective organisation
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a

42. Templates are used for
(a) a planning layout
(b) flow of material
(c) advancing a programmer in automatic machines
(d) copying complicated profiles
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a

43. In steel plant the most important system for materials handling is
(a) conveyors 
(b) cranes and hoists
(c) trucks 
(d) locos
(e) none of jhe above.
Ans: d

44. Routing prescribes the
(a) flow oftnaterial in the plant
(b) proper utilization of man power
(c) proper utilization of machines
(d) inspection of final product
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a

45. Queuing theory deals with problems of
(a) material handling
(b) reducing the waiting time or idle Jajme
(c) better utilization of man services
(d) effective use of machines
(e) none of the above.
Ans: b

46. Standard time is defined as
(a) normal time + allowances
(b) normal time + idle time + allowances
(c) normal time + idle time
(d) only normal time for an operation
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a

47. Father of industrial engineering is
(a) Jeck Gilberth 
(b) Gnatt
(c) Taylor 
(d) Newton
(e) none of the above.
Ans: b

48. The grouping of activities into organizational units is called
(a) corporate plans
(b) higher level management
(c) functional authority
(d) departmentalization
(e) company policy.
Ans: d

49. Which of the following organization is preferred in automobile industry
(a) functional organization
(b) line organization
(c) staff organization
(d) line and staff organizations
(e) scalar organization.
Ans: d

50. Which of the following organizations is best suited for steel plants
(a) functional organization
(b) line organization
(c) staff organization
(d) line, staff and functional organizations
(e) scalar organization.
Ans: d
