Robert-Bosch Whole-Testpaper |   18200

Robert-Bosch Whole-Testpaper


Robert- Bosch Interview Experience


My name is Renuka Munagala. I am writing my Interview Experience here. There are three rounds in the selection procedure of Robert- Bosch. The three rounds are 


Round 1 : Online test ( It consisted of technical, verbal, aptitude and logical reasoning questions )

  1. Technical = 35 questions
  2. Verbal, aptitude and logical reasoning=25 questions
  3. (Each question carries 1 mark and there was a negative marking of 0.5 marks for each question) 

Round 2 : Technical Interview


Round 3 : HR Interview


The questions asked to me in all the rounds are given below :


A] Round 1- Online Test Questions :


a) Online Test Technical Questions 


For this section please refer the following  subjects :


Digital Electronics

  1. Code conversions(Binary code, Gray code, Excess-3 code and others like 8421, 2421 etc)

  2. K-map

  3. Combinational circuits and sequential circuits differences and examples for both  (  ( Combinational:adder,subtractor, decoder, encoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer, magnitude comparator. Sequential: latch, flip-flop, shift registers, counters(very important… also refer difference between synchronous and asynchronous counters, and various conditions for maximum clock frequency to be applied) )

  4. Moore and Mealey models differences

  5. Multivibrators using logic gates

  6. Astable multivibrator

  7. Bistable multivibrator

  8. Monostable multivbrator

  9. Logic families

  10. DTL

  11. Modified DTL

  12. TTL

  13. ECL

  14. Semiconductor Memories(very important)

  15. RAM, ROM and different types in them

  16. Diodes, BJT, JFET, MOSFET, Opamp

  17. Microprocessor(8085,8086): architecture, instruction set, interrupts, registers

  18. Microcontroller(PIC16F877A, 8051): architecture, instruction set, interrupts, registers

Questions asked are :


1) One question on zener diode, its temperature coefficient was given


(I don’t remember the exact value) say voltage decreases at x V/0C(some volts per degree centigrade) and voltage was asked for some other temperature


2) Conversion of binary code to gray code


3) Small circuits were given using AND,OR, EXOR gates and asked what would be the functioning of the circuit(options were edge detector, zero detector) if you analyze the circuit assuming the inputs as 00,01,10,11 you can figure out the functioning of the circuit


4) Few questions on combinational and sequential circuits


       a) ROM is what kind of circuit---?  


Answer : Combinational Circuit (built with the help of decoders and programmable OR gate)


       b)  Demultiplexer and Decoder


       c)  Circuit was given on decoder(2:4 decoder) and output was asked )


       d)  How do we overcome the “Race Around Condition(RAC)” in JK flip flop..?? 


Answer:  (i) Use Master-Slave JK flip flop

               (ii) Choose flip flop propagation delay ?t such that


                         tp < ?t <T 


             Where  ?t =  Praopagation delay of flip flop

                         T  =  Clock frequency

                         tp =  Pulse width of the clock applied


(RAC occurs only in level triggered FFs. It does not occur in edge triggered FFs)


e) Setup time, Hold time and Propagation delay  in a flip flop


f) Counters – given some n- bit asynchronous counter and propagation delay of the flip flop used, asked to find the maximum clock frequency to be applied :


Answer:  fmax=1/(n*tp)  (only for asynchronous counter… add -stroke pulse width to the denominator and then compute if it is given in the question)


Where   fmax = Maximum clock frequency to be applied

                    n =   n bit counter

                   tp = Propagation delay of the flip flop


g) Circuit was given and output was asked. It was a counter… may be a ring counter

h) One question modulus of counter


     i)  Frequency at the output 2nd  flip flop in a 4 bit counter (don’t remember which counter it was)


     ii) Ring counter(N bit): output frequency at each FF(flip flop) is f/N

     iii) Johnson counter(N bit): output frequency at each FF is f/2N

     iv) Asynchronous counter(N bit): output frequency at each FF (starting from LSB) is f/2^i  

          where i is  FF no. from LSB


5) Two questions on ROM- no. of address lines were given and the size of the memory was given and no of data lines was asked


Answer : If no of address lines were x, no of data lines were y, then Size of the memory=  2^x y


6) Two questions on Analog to digital converters(ADCs)-  N bit ADC, Vmax is given, find the resolution


7) Two questions on 8085 microprocessor(flag register) and 8051 microcontroller


8) 4 to 5 questions on C and C++ programming languages, most of them were output questions


b) Online Test Aptitude Questions 


In aptitude various topics were covered like

  1. Time and Work

  2. Pipes and Cisterns,

  3. Alligations and Mixtures 

  4. Find the next pattern

  5. Logarithms 

  6. Mensuration

c) Online Test Logical Reasoning  Questions 


Five people, five degrees and five jobs.. question was like A did not do degree in economics and politics, so he will not be given so & so job… similar info was given for B,C,D,E and 4 four questions were asked like who does what job or who holds what degree etc.


d) Online Test Verbal  Questions 


In verbal one paragraph was given and four questions were asked from it, two synonyms, one antonym,2-3 questions on choose the correct word that fills the blank. 


B ] Round 2 - Technical Interview Questions :


1.  Tell me about yourself ( while I was answering this question, he checked my resume)


2.  Asked me about the mini project I had done, I had explained him in detail about the project (at least 1 mini project is necessary since some were rejected for not having done any mini project. If you had done any mini project, prepare thoroughly about it, not just the project, anything other things associated with it say current  trends in it, what components are used and why etc. if you can explain with confidence your project, then you have won half battle )


3. Difference between microcontroller and microprocessor, explain with the help of a diagram


4. Asked me if I knew anything about the processors. I said I knew 8085 microprocessor. He asked me to explain it with the help of the architecture of it, while I was explaining about the processor, he asked me few definitions related to it like explain how a stack pointer with the help of instructions, what is program counter, what is the flag register and what are the various bits present in that register, few instructions were asked like explain what happens for MVI data, what is the accumulator and what is its use, what are various interrupts present in the processor, their priority order, what happens when an interrupt occurs, explain me what happens with the program counter and stack pointer content  when an interrupt occurs, what is an interrupt routine, what are status signals, frequency used in it.


5. He asked how much strong I am in C. I said I know only basics of it. He asked me some basic questions related to C programming like what is a preprocessor directive,  what is a structure explain me with the help of a example, what is pointer  and write the syntax of it, what is a qualifier, what is an enum (make sure that you have basic idea about the programming languages you have written in the resume)


C ] Round 3 - HR interview Questions :


He introduced about himself and then looking at my resume he asked me

  1. Tell me about the meaning of your name

  2. Tell me about yourself

  3. Tell me about your family

  4. Tell me about your mini project

  5. What do you know about Bosch and why do you want to join Bosch

  6. And final question was: Any questions??

All the best....

