Whole-Testpaper |   13862


Hello friends…… I Madhumitha from TCE, Gadag, Karnataka attended off campus for Robert bosch!!! In SDM.. Dharwad….29/06/2010

I had another exam CDAC.. was confused which to quit./…so much I was confused.. finally din prepare for any…wanted to quit both….but den… was not in a mood but still I made ma mind last minute….dat waz coz of ma friend…thanks 

10 a.m was the reporting time…It was late….we rushed in….saw there…ah!!!.der waz nothing…opps….and later v gotta know test was yet to start:):)….

Then personell s from bosch came in…68% is mandatory they said….ECE nd CSE papers was separate….we occupied our places……..

We were asked to fill a form…and then wer given answer sheets…OMR sheets….2HB pencils wer to b used itcms…pencil…

Question papers wer distributed….
Test duration:60 minutes…..
No.Of questions:60
2 marks for right answer
0.25 marks minus for each wrong answer……..

I had referred some old papers which were in this site….but none helped me…..it was totally NEW PATTERN>>>NEW PATTERN>…….

You need to be prepared well with the basics…..Iam fro m ECE stream…so for ECE you need to be well prepared with BASIC ELECTRONICS, lil network analysis,lil Electronic circuits…MICROPROCESSORS, OPERATING SYSTEMS, CCN, APTITUDE AND ENGLISH……..I remember some questions….am not putting dem in order…jus…first fifteen questions were horrible…rest wer easy kind…..PREPARE DES QUESTIONS WELL…..SURE U R DONE WITH 32 QUESTIONS….SURE…SURE …so here I go

1.A circuit was given…nd current was asked….applying KCL I guess..

2.A two port network was given..two ports wer arranged serially…so go through 2port networks..

3.Nodal analysis is applicable to

4.A question on Superposition theorem. simple one…I don remember much…it was somthn like dis…Superposition theorem can be applied to

5.series of resistors are connected across ideal voltages.. If pair of resistors are introduced wot happens to the voltage?

6.Calculation of some OPAMP parameters…I guess calculation of CMRR…don remember….

7.Which of these Class of amplifiers are least efficient?

8.In a RC coupled amplifier, coupling capacitor is used

9.Which of these is not a 8-bit processor

10.How many address lines would u require to access 4K memory?

11.How many times the loop gets executed?
Loop:mov b,#64
Dec b
Jnz loop

12.Multiprogramming and multithreading….Which of these are better?

13.Ethernet has a___________ topology

14.Which of these are used for high speed and long distance?

15.A Modem converts _______ to _________.

16.Which of the following is not a n/w

17.Which of the following is not a type of memory?

18.Arrange the TCP/IP OSI layers from bottom to top

19.A question on daemon and background process.

20.When set of interrupts occur

21.Which of these schemes introduces a minimum delay?

22.A train problem.

23. A man went 10mts east…and then 20mts north. What is the distance from the start?
--right angled triangle…finding hypotnuese..

24.A car travels at the rate of 50km/hr to reach a places.while comin back it takes 60/hr,what is the avg speed?

25.A’s and B’s income ratios are 2:3.Expenditure ratio is 5:3.What is A’s income?

26.A can finish work in 2 days.B can finish the same work in 6 dayz..Together how much time they take to finish the work…??

27.Another work problem…A and B together take ______days.A takes _____ days.how much B takes alone to finish da work?

28.2 questions on Heights and distance…a question something a pole standing vertical…….sorry don remember

29. A381 is a given number.Which smallest number is ‘A’ such that the number is divisible by 11?

30.When (9^6+1) is divided by some number(I don remember),wot is the remainder?


I still don know wot it means :)…


34 Fill in the blanks
35.I don’t know _____ they make money of bill.

36.The children ran in _________they disappeared.

37.Skin: human


PREPARE DES PERFECTLY…I'VE PUT EXACTLY WOT I READ IN QUESTION PAPER…DON’T NEGLECT DES…..u R GONNA GET 30 questions rite if u prepare des well…So guys al da best…I din prepare well…but did something…gotta c…results ll b given in another two dayz they said…results ll b out in net dey said….!!!!

Prepare well…do well…..AM SO HAPPY giving out dez questions…i remember DES many ah!!!!!wow man…and IF DEZ QUESTIONS HELPED U, DEN ILL BE WAITING FOR A THANK YOU MESSAGE….
