Robert-Bosch Placement Paper |   75075

Robert-Bosch Placement Paper


                         Bosch technical interview questions


Hi friends...
My name is Krishnakumar..There was an "off campus drive" of "Robert Bhosh" in Vardhaman Engineering College,Shamshabad..and the reporting time was 9:30 but the registration was too late and students have come in huge numbers (I guess its around 2500 members ) and the college staff didnt manage these many people and hence they conducted the registration process first only for the ECE guys and then later for CSE and IT Students...My exam was started around 3:0 pm in the afternoon...

The Paper is different for CSE and ECE students ..Beware of that and the technical questions were also different for the people of ECE in comparison of course the pattern was same.
Be very patient in filling the OMR would consume a lot of time..Dont forget to take Pencils with you

Question paper pattern: (Computer science)

Each question carries 2 marks and -.5 negative for wrong answers.
The same question paper would be coming for the cse and it students....
Better to have a glance of this paper before you take the written exam...

The Question paper consists of three Sections
a) Technical(1-35) -Mainly on C, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Data Structures,

b) Quantitative(36-50)- Mainly on A.P, G.P , General Maths, Profit and Loss, Ratios(etc..)

c) English(51-60)- (51-52)inferring from passages,,(53-55)..Logical Deductions.. (56-57)..Sentence Correction 

d((58-60) ..Arrangement of jumbled sentences.

a) Technical:

int const *p = 10;
printf(“%d”, ++(*p));
Ans: Compilation Error
sol: Constant cant be modified.
2) .main()
int I;
char *a = “man”;
ans: mmmm

extern int i = 10;
Ans: Compiler error 

float f= 1.1;
double d = 1.1;
if ( f == d)
printf(“I LOVE U”);
printf(“I HATE U”);
Sol: Due to precision Considerations ...

5) A tree was given and postorder traversal is to be found out...(Easy)

6) What is the name of the Command used to partition the disk
ANS: fdisk
Sol: When you run the fdisk and format commands, the Master Boot Record (MBR) and file allocation tables are created. The MBR and file allocation tables store the necessary disk geometry that allows hard disk to accept, store, and retrieve data

7)A question from MS-DOS

8)A quesion is on paging(Memory management)
Formulae: Effective access time=((1-p)*m+(p*s))
where (1-p) is called hit ratio, p is called page fault ratio, 'm' is called main memory access time, 's' is called pagefault service time.

9) The header file that is included to use manipulators is

10) Which data structure is easier to implement the trees...???
sol: Linked Lists..

11)Function used to display the character on the console is ..??
sol: PUT

12) No of nodes in a perfect Binary tree is..??
sol: (2*n-1)

13) No of queues needed to implement the priority queue..??
sol: Priority queue uses two queues
1) for storing the data
2) other for storing the priorities.

14)Heterogeneous Linked List is implemented using...???
sol: void pointers

15) a variable used to store the address of another variable is termed as..??
sol: Pointer..

16) #include
void main()
int i = 15;
int const &j = i;
cout << i << j << endl;
i = 9;
cout << i << j << endl
15 15
9 9

17)Virtual Memory consist of main memory and ...???
sol: Swap files

18) Which class addressing system has less no of hosts...???
sol: class D(not sure)

19)Which of the following is a network layer protocol
a) TELNET b) FTP. c)smtp d)none
sol: telnet

20)many questions on computer networks....( around 10 questions....i left all of them)

Prepare 'top down approach' - ross and kurose for computer would be helpful..

b) Quantitative:
36) a man sells an article with a 20% discount and gain a profit of 20%...what would be the profit percentage if he sells it with 10% discount...??
sol; 35(not sure)

37)sum of the infinite terms in a gp is 230 and sum of squares is 23 ...find the common ratio.
sol: 10/13

38) fourth term of an ap is 200 and first term is 5 find the tenth term...??

39) if S+2R=220 and S=80 then R=.???
sol: 70

40) if 25% of x=y then 67.5% of x in terms of y is...
sol: 100/y2 (not sure)

41)A student was performing an arithmetic operation and he multiplied a number by 3/2 instead of dividing it by 2/3 ...what was its error percentage..??
sol: 0%

42) Probability:
a radioactive element disintegrates by 20 th part every hour and find the probability that no matter is left out in a duration of 45 min...??
sol: since it deals with radioactive element 'n' is usually poissons distribution is to be applied...
Hence lamba=15
P(x=0)= (e-15)*(150)/(0!)

43) If side of the square is x+2 and side of equilateral triangle is 2x and the perimeters of both square and equilateral triangle are equal ...then find the value of x..??
sol: 4*(x+2)=(3*2x)
i.e; x=4

44) if side of the square of increased by 5 and change in area was 165 then find the value of side of the square...??
sol: (x+5)2-x2=165

45 -50)) similar questions were given and were easy....

51-52) a passage with inferences to be drawn...

53) saritha and kavitha are seperated by a certain distance of 100m and walking towards each other and savitha started from her house and walked for 30m East and turned right and walked upto 10m and then turned left and walked upto 20m and again turned left and walked to the road ...what is the distance between the two girls now..??
sol: i think 20m(not sure jus try..)

54 and 55) deductions

56) choose which part has error A or B or C or D
we entered(A)/into the room(B)/after the class was over(c)/No Error(D)
sol: we entered the room after the class was over
ans: B

57) we discussed(A)/about the pollitics(B)/ in the class room(C)/No Error(D)
sol: we discussed the pollitics in the class room.
ans: B

58-60) arrangement of sentences and are very easy....
jus follow the sequence of time and situtation....

they informed the results through sms and I am glad to say I was one of the member to get selected in that 2500 members..
all the best friends..paper is easy and no question of time management and every one can score a qualifying mark....for us the cutoff was 40% ...It implies that the person who score more than 48 marks out of 120 marks would get selected....
Hope everyone preparing for "Robert Bhosch" find this paper easy and get qualified in written and come up with flying colors....thanku...!!
