Reliance Whole Testpaper |   45944

Reliance Whole Testpaper

You will have two written tests:

1. Mental Aptitude
(consisting of 60-65 ques,time 35min, cutoff 60%, very simple basically fr verbal reasoning and ratio, comparisions,ap(progressions),simpe logics.

There was 2 section in this test. First mental ability.

this was mainly contane english language question little bit strange naaaa. q like sun related to light then automobile to ..
quantative question was very -very simple
like if 3 pen cost 5 cent then how much in 10 cent.
some synoname like disgarce and other word. then very simple question like if first 2 statment is correct then what about 3rd according to given fact. So don’t
be hopless u may got call for next time. but u need good speed because u have to do 75 question in 30 minute


2. Technical Aptitude.
(questions 25 time ,30 min,cutoff 50%,questions from electronics and networks)

after clearing these u will have 2 rounds of interviews: technical and 1 for HR

second was Subject paper.

This paper contane ~20 question of software engg like testing of software (white black regresion acceptane) it was my weak point so be prepare for this for next
time u also . 6 question for unix like (cat wc and other command) then 10 question of C programe. 5 question of JAVA and some general question . But these people was not sure in there paper multiple ans is correct or not. as primitive data type(question 27)
(1) Byte (2) string (3) int) (4) float

