Reliance REL Technical - Other |   13144

Reliance REL Technical - Other

hello guys

REL recruited in 3 rounds:
1. Technical test according to ur branch ( 30 questions)(cutt off was 33%) - mechanical, electrical , electronics , civil or environmental (  ITS AN ELIMINATION ROUND)
2. Group discussion on topics related to energy , pollution , environment etc.(like nuclear deal , conservation of energy etc.) ( ITS not an ELIMINATION ROUND )
3. Interviev( HR + Technical)...basic Q from ur branch of engg. mainly from 3rd and 4th semesters.
scores are given for each round and the final total is done to get total score and the person is selectes on the final total score.
As it is well known that india`s energy needs are going to double in the next 6 to 10 years the of power sector is on boom at present and therefore Energy/power companies are recruiting ppl in large numbers now so u have high chance of getting thru.
REL is paying a handsome pay to its recruits.