RBI Aptitude Reasoning Placement Papers |   8733

RBI Aptitude Reasoning Placement Papers

RBI Reasoning solved Questions with answers


1   Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below :
S M P 6 3 * $ A 4 L N @ Z 5 # V U 7 E 8 B % T Y X G 2 I & 9 W

Which of the following is the third to the left of the fifteenth from the left end ?
(A) @
(B) 5
(C) 7
(D) U
(E) None of these

Ans : (A)

2   What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement ?
P M 3 A $ L Z @ # ?
(A) U V E
(B) V # E
(C) 7 U 8
(D) V 7 #
(E) None of these

Ans : (C)

 3  Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their position in the above arrangement and hence form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
(A) A 4 *
(B) T B Y
(C) 9 I W
(D) V 5 U
(E) P S 6

Ans : (A)

4 How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately followed by an even number and preceded by a symbol ?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Three
(E) More than three

Ans : (A)

5 IF LEARNING is written as MGDVSOUO then SURPRISE would be:

(a)     TWUTWOAL
(b)     TWUTWOZM-Answer
(c)     TWVUXPAN
(d)     TWUSVNZK

6 If SUNDAY is coded as XZCMTR then PAYMENT would be:

(a)     RPNDZOJ
(b)     QBZNFOU
(c)     SMDLXZO-Answer
(d)     TNEMYAP

7 If TAP is coded as SZO, then how is FREEZE coded?

(a)     EQDDYD-Answer
(b)     ESDFYF
(c)     GQFDYF
(d)     EQDFYG

8 In a certain code, FORGE is written as FPTJI.  How is CULPRIT written in that code?

(a)     CXOSULW
(b)     CVNSVNZ
(c)     CVMQSTU-Answer
(d)     CSJNPGR

If victory is coded as YLFWRUB, how can success be coded?

(a)     VXFFHVV-Answer
(b)     VXEEIVV
(c)     VYEFIVV
(d)     VYEEHVV

9 In a certain code SOCIAL is written as TQFMER, then how you will code DIMPLE?

(a)     EKPTQK-Answer
(b)     EKPQPJ
(c)     EKPSPJ
(d)     EKPSOH

10 In a certain code SOCIAL is written as TQFMER, then how you will code DIMPLE?

(a)     wtzyv
(b)     twxyz
(c)     tqwvm
(d)     mtuvw

11If PAINTER is written in a code language as NCGPRGP, then REASON would be written as :

(a)     PCYQMN
(b)     PGYQMN
(c)     PGYUMP-Answer
(d)     PGYUPM

12  If CIGARETTE is coded as GICERAETT. Then DIRECTION will be coded as :

(a)     RIDTCENOI-Answer

