Prasar Bharathy Whole-Testpaper |   5712

Prasar Bharathy Whole-Testpaper



Teat Date: 24/10/2010

Location :Chandigarh
Total Question: 200  (175 Technical + 25 Gk & Current Affairs)
Time: 2 Hours
1) My experiment with truth written by
2) First woman president of INC
3) First olympic was held in
4) Sriharikota is famous for
5) Discoverey of TV
6) ISRO launch satellite in
7) GDR means
8) UJT is a unipolar device
9) RS flip flop is a
10) Which one of the following is not a fundamental right
11) Birth place of Mother Teresa
12) Last SAF game held in India 1995
13) Termocouple is used for