PRASAR-BHARATI Pattern |   2178


                                      Prasar Bharati Paper Pattern and Syllabus

                                                        Staff selection commission will take a written Entrance exam for Prasar Bharati for the post of Engineering Assistant and Technician grades.Paper pattern and deatiled syllabus are given below.

Prasar Bhrati Paper Pattern

The test will be of 400 marks in total 

1. 200 marks (descriptive type test)
2. 200 marks (objective type test)

The examination you are suppose to give will be consist of two papers for all posts you applied for, as detailed below:

I. Paper – I (MCQ Based Questions- 3 Sections)

(a)50 questions to be asked in General Intelligence & Reasoning Section
(b)50 Questions to be asked in General English Section
(c)100 Questions to be asked in General Awareness Section

II. Paper-II B (Based on subjective type descriptive questions)

Based on any one out of the following discipline chosen during the registration process.
(a) Physics
(b) Radio Engineering
(c) Telecommunication Engineering
(d) Electrical Engineering
(e) Electronics Engineering
(f) Information Technology

III. Personal Interview Round

SSC Prasar Bharati Executives Exam Detailed Syllabus of Paper I and Paper II

Paper I: As said above in the table the written examination will carry 3 different sections: General Intelligence (GI) and Reasoning, General Awareness and General English

1. General Intelligence & Reasoning:This section will contain various GI and Reasoning related questions of various topics. This section may carry questions from topics: It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. This component may include questions on discrimination, Figural Pattern – folding/completion, problem solving, space visualization, Figural Series, figural classification and arithmetical reasoning, analysis, Semantic Analogy, syllogistic reasoning, differences and similarities, Figural Analogy, coding and decoding, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Critical thinking, visual memory, Punched hole/pattern –folding/un-folding, Semantic Classification, observation, Semantic Series, analogies, Social Intelligence, Word Building, Trends, decision making, judgment, Numerical Operations, spatial orientation, non-verbal series, Space Visualization, statement conclusion, Classification of centre codes/roll numbers, Figural Classification, relationship concepts, Date & city matching, Problem Solving, arithmetic number series etc. Symbolic/Number Classification, symbolic Operations, Embedded Figures, Venn Diagrams, Indexing, Small & Capital letters/numbers coding, Number Series, Address matching, Drawing inferences, decoding and classification, Emotional Intelligence 

2. General Awareness: This section covers topics from Literature, Agriculture, Sports, Culture, Language, Rural Development, Tradition etc. 

3. General English: This is the last section of Paper 1 and it will cover various topics of General English, Like; Sentence Shuffling through passage, Antonyms/ Synonyms, Direct/indirect narration, Sentences Improvement, sentence parts shuffling, one word substitution, spelling errors, spot the error, clause passage & comprehension passage, active/passive voice, idioms & phrases, fill in the blanks etc.. 

Paper – II:Descriptive examination based on the language and literature related to discipline
