PRASAR-BHARATI Paper |   3825


                                  Prasar Bharati Previous Year Solved Exam Paper


Q1. If other things remain unchanged, the demand of a commodity is a function of 
(A) Income of the consumers 
(B) Level of savings in a society
(C) Price of that commodity 
(D) Taste of the consumer
Ans. (C) Price of that commodity 

Q2. At the Second Round Table Conference, the Indian National Congress was represented by
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru 
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Rajendra Prasad 
( D) Vallabhbhai Patel
Ans. (B) Mahatma Gandhi

Q3. Selling costs are the expenses of a firm on
(A) Sales promotion activities 
(B) Means of transportation
(C) Factors of production 
(D) Government taxes
Ans. (A) Sales promotion activities 

Q4. The most important feature of monopolistic competition is
(A) Absence of selling costs 
(B) Homogeneous product
(C) Price discrimination 
(D) Product differentiation
Ans. (D) Product differentiation

Q5. Which committee was constituted for reforms in Tax structure?
(A) Narasimham Committee 
(B) Chelliah Committee
(C) Gadgil Committee 
(D) Y.V. Reddy Committee
Ans. (B) Chelliah Committee

Q6. . Blue Revolution is related to
(A) Fish production 
(B) Milk production
(C) Oil production 
(D) Food production
Ans. (A) Fish production

Q7. Who said “The State exists for individuals, individuals do not exist for the State"?
(A) C.E.M. Joad 
(B) Barker
(C) Laski 
(D) Machiavelli
Ans. (C) Laski

Q8. 1942 Movement was called as
(A) Civil Disobedience Movement 
(B) Khilafat Movement
(C) Quit India Movement 
(D) Passive Resistance (Satyagraha) Movement
Ans. (C) Quit India Movement

Q9. Who wrote the book 'Politics'?
(A) Bodin 
(B) Rousseau
(C) Mill 
(D) Aristotle
Ans. (D) Aristotle

Q10. Who was appointed to investigate into the assassination of Mrs. Indira Gandhi ?
(A) Juslice Kania 
(B) Justiec M.P.Thakkar
(C) Justice Jain 
(D) Justice Vcnkataramaiah
Ans. (B) Justiec M.P.Thakkar

Q11. Why did Aurangzeb become unpopul ar?
(A) He was not religiously tolerant 
(B) He was not a good administrator
(C) He was not a scholar 
(D) He was not extravagant
Ans. (A) He was not religiously tolerant 

Q12. Whose theory has been called by Macpherson as 'developmental democracy' ?
(A) James Mill 
(B) John Stuart Mill
(C) Bentham's democracy 
(D) Locke's democracy
Ans. (B) John Stuart Mill

Q13. Black soil is mainly derived from the weathering of
(A) Granites 
(B) Basalts
(C) Limestones 
(D) Sandstones
Ans. (B) Basalts

Q14. Fungi and insects have one of the following as a common factor :
(A) Chitin 
(B) Cuticular covering
(C) Water absorbing system 
(D) Reproductive system
Ans. (A) Chitin 

Q15. Which of the following is the best nuclear fuel for the nuclear reactor?
(A) Uranium - 236 
(B) Thorium – 236
(C) Plutonium – 239 
(D) Neptunium - 239 
Ans. (C) Plutonium – 239 

Q16. Which of the following radiations forms a part of electromagnetic spectrum ?
(A) Alpha rays 
(B) Beta rays
(C) Cathode rays 
(D) Gamma rays 
Ans. (D) Gamma rays 

Q17. Who heads the National Planning Commission of lndia?
(A) The President 
(B) The Prime Minister
(C) The Finance Minister 
(D) The Planning Minister 
Ans. (B) The Prime Minister

Q18. Hong Kong today, is part of
(A) United Kingdom 
(B) China 
(C) Taiwan 
(D) Japan
Ans. (B) China 

Q19. Human hair is made up of
(A) Protein 
(B) Protein and DNA
(C) Protein and RNA 
(D) DNA and RNA
Ans. (A) Protein 

Q20. Which is the oldest and richest language of South India ?
(A) Telugu 
(B) Sanskrit
(C) Tamil 
(D) Kannada
Ans. (C) Tamil 

Q21. One who officially gives expert legal advice to the Government of India is
(A) The Attorney General 
(B) The Auditor General
(C) The Chief Justice oflndia 
(D) Public Service Commission
Ans. (A) The Attorney General 

Q22. Which day is celebrated as International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit 'I'Tafficking?
(A) 31"' May 
(B) 4th June
(C) 51h June 
(D) 26th June 
Ans. (D) 26th June 

Q23. The "Earth Day" is celebrated on
(A) 22nd April 
(B) 21st April
(C) 14th April 
(D) 7th April
Ans. (A) 22nd April 

Q24. Who among the following is not cartoonist?
(A) Sudhir Dar 
(B) Laxman
(C) Kutty 
(D) Ravi Shankar
Ans. (D) Ravi Shankar

Q25. Who is the Attorney General of India?
(A) Ashwani Kumar 
( B) Goolam E. Vahanvati
(C) Shatrughan Singh 
(D) A.K. Shalla
Ans. ( B) Goolam E. Vahanvati
