Prasar Bharathy Candidate-Experiences |   4593

Prasar Bharathy Candidate-Experiences

Hi Friends,

Last week i attended the exam conducted by Prasar Bharti for Engineering assistants in AIR/Doordarshan.
Let me share my experience with you.
Altogether there were 200 objective type questions for 2 hours out of which 175 technical and 25 General Awareness.
The GK part was quite easy. It had questions like
1. Sriharikkotta is famous for
2. ISRO Launhes its satellites from
a) East Coast,  b) West caost c) Hassan in Karnataka
3. Vijayalakshmi Pandit was.
4. The first woman president of INC
5. The venue of 1998 SAAF games
6. My eperiments with truth was written by
7. The discovery of India-author
8. The first recipient of oscar award from India
9. Who invented TV
So on
The Technical part was quite tough for Electrical Students as must of the questions were from Electronics side which we didnt study at all.
Here are some.
1. In TV transmission sound and viseo is transmitted in..
a) FM and AM b) FM,FM. c) AM,AM. d) AM,FM
2.Tv transmission uses.
Ans: Vestigial
3. Questions related to SSB,DSB
4. Antenna length questions,problems.
5. Some 8085 microprocessor questions.
6. Questions related to TTL, ECL. DTL
7. Some FET, Mosfet problems theory questions
8. Questiond related to SCR turn off.
9. LED capacity.
10. Power consumption of Lamps problems.
11. Energy consumption of 5 tubes @ 30p per unit working for 5 days a week. Problem. (Simple one) and so on 98% was from Electronics. Thre were only 1 or 2 Electrical Questions. So those who prepare anext time, give much importance to commuication side than Electrical.
Just go through basic theory part not in detail.
Hope this may help you.
Best Of luck.