PPSC Recruitment-Notification-Syllabus |   1059

PPSC Recruitment-Notification-Syllabus

                                       Punjab Public Service Commission 

Punjab State Civil Services Combined Competitive Examination Syllabus: Preliminary Examination

•The Preliminary Examination will consists of two papers i.e. Paper I General Studies andPaper II Civil Services Aptitude Test


•Each paper shall be of two hours duration

•Each paper shall have 150 questions each carrying one mark, hence there will be total 150 marks for each paper.

•The questions shall be multiple choice questions each having four options out of which the candidate shall be required to pick the most appropriate response.

•There will be no negative marking.

•The question paper shall be bilingual and shall be printed in English (Roman script) and Punjabi (Gurmukhi script) except for questions wher e candidates’ proficiency in language is to be tested.

•The topics listed in the syllabus are only indicative for the general guidance of the candidates and cannot be deemed as exhaustive list.

•The standard of question would be what is expected of a person who, has a keen sense awareness and is fairly knowledgeable, without having done any specific subject specialisation.

•The Preliminary Examination is only a screening test for selecting candidates who would be eligible to take the Main Examination and the marks obtained in this Examination shall not be counted towards the merit of the candidates.

Paper –I General Studies

1.Everyday Science

--> States of matter, structure of atom, versatile nature of carbon.
--> Acids, bases, salt: corrosion in metals, action of soaps.
--> Life on Earth – evolution, marine & terrestrial life.
--> Human body and life processes, nutrition, disease- its causes & prevention, infectious diseases, lifestyle diseases.
--> Public health initiatives, mother and child health,immunisation & vaccination, HIV-AIDS,TB, polio etc.
--> Force-laws of motion & gravitation, Archimedes principle.
--> Energy – kinetic & potential.
--> Light – reflection & refraction – concepts and applications.
--> Sound – propagation & reflection- concepts and applications.
--> Electric current – concepts and applications.
--> Computers and telecommunication – concepts and applications.

2.Environmental studies

--> Composition and structure of the atmosphere.
--> Solar system – heat balance & temperature.
--> Atmospheric circulation & weather system, water cycle.
--> Climate change – fossil fuels, greenhouse gases, renewable energy, clean development mechanism, carbon credits.
--> Water – oceans, rivers, glaciers, lakes, groundwater etc.
--> Biodiversity & conservation.
--> Soil – types, crops, food chain etc.
--> Pollution and toxicity etc.

3.Political theory & international order 

-->Basic concept of freedom,equality,social justice,rights & duties, citizenship, nationalism,secularism etc.
--> United Nations and its organs/agencies, other international organisations like the World Bank,IMF, WTO, EU, G20, BRICS etc. and their role in the World peace, trade & development.
--> Indian polity
--> Basic features, provisions, schedules of the Indian Constitution, key amendments.
--> Panchayati Raj. Elections – People’s Representation Act, electoral reforms. Rise of regionalism and coalition politics.
--> Armed challenges to the Indian state since independence.

4.History of India

--> The Indus valley civilisation.
--> The Aryan and the Vedic age.
--> Jainism and Buddhism.
--> The Maurya and Gupta periods.
--> Advent of Islam and Sultanate period (political, social & cultural).
--> The Bhakti Movement.
--> The Mughals (political, social & cultural till Aurangzeb).
--> The coming of the European Powers and the advent of the British rule.
--> The Mutiny of 1857.
--> The British rule and the Indian National Movement (1857-1947)
--> World History
--> The Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution in Europe.
--> Important Events namely The American Revolution 1776; The French Revolution 1789; The Russian Revolution 1917; World Wars I & II.

5.Indian Economy

--> Indian economic development (1950-1991) – key economic policies, public sector dominance, bank nationalisation etc.
--> Five year plans – key goals and main achievements.
--> Liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation era since 1991 – key policies, decisions and results.
--> Performance of Indian economy since 1991 – Growth,fiscal & revenue deficits, trade,commerce & balance of payments, inflation, growth of service sector.
--> Key challenges and responses – agriculture and food security, industrialisation, poverty alleviation & employment, rural & urban infrastructure, social sector – health, education etc.


--> Population – distribution, density, growth and comparison.
--> Migration – types, causes and consequences.
--> Human development. Human settlements.
--> Land resources and agriculture.
--> Water resources.
--> Mineral and energy resources.
--> Manufacturing industries.
--> Planning and sustainable development in India.
--> Transport and communication.
--> International trade.
--> Geographical perspective on selected issues and problems.

7.Current events of national and international importance.



--> Geographical and agro-climatic regions, rivers, water resources, sharing of waters,demographics, human development indices

2.People, Society and Culture

--> Major personalities in history of Punjab, religious movements, major religions & spiritual personalities, Punjabi literature, folklore, performing arts, fine arts and crafts

--> Sufis, saints and gurus, Lodhis and Mughals, Sikh rulers, the British period, nationalist movement in Punjab, Punjab in independent India.

--> Agriculture, animal husbandry, industrial & service sectors, major occupations, development & economic growth, public finance (including central-state fiscal issues),public sector institutions, cooperatives etc.

Paper –II Civil Services Aptitude Test

1.Reading comprehension; Punjabi and English language comprehension, antonyms and synonyms, grammar and sentence formation. 

2.Interpersonal skills including communication skills

3.Logical reasoning, analytical and mental ability

4.Basic numerical skills; numbers, magnitudes, percentages, numerical relation appreciation

5.Data analysis; Graphic presentations, charts, tables, spreadsheets.
