PHILIPS Placement Paper |   11065

PHILIPS Placement Paper

                                               Philips Question Paper

1.6*12*15 is the volume of some material. How many cubes can be inserted into that?

2.Two pipes can fill a tank in 10 1nd 12 hours while third pipe will make the tank empty in 20 hours. If all three pipes operate simultaneously, in how many hours the tank will be filled ?
Ans.7hours 30 minutes.

3.Diameter of a beaker is 7cm. Mambler (some instrument)dia is 1.4cm.How many mamblers has to be put to increase the water level by 5.6cm.

4.Cost of an item is x. It's value increases by p% and decreases by p%Now the new value is 1 rupee, what is the actual value.

5.A right circular cylinder and a cone are there. Base radius of cone is equal to radius of cylinder. What is the ratio of height to slant side.

6.Distance between two poles is 50 meters. A train goes by 48 kmph in one minute. How many poles will be crossed by the train.

7.A pole seen from a certain distance at an angle of 15 degrees and 100 meters ahead by 30 degrees. What is th height of pole.

8.15 people--each has to pay Rs.20.. 20 people--each has to pay Rs.18.. for 40 people--how much has to pay ?

9.If p=2q then q=r*r,if p-odd then q is even,whether we decide r is even or odd ?choices:
a)first condition is sufficient
b)second condition is sufficient
c)both are sufficient
d)both are not sufficient

10.What is the value of m given that
i) m is devided by 2
ii) m is devided by 5

11.If he sells 40 mangoes, he will get the selling price of 4 mangoes extra, What is
his % increase in profit ?
Ans: 25%

12.100 glasses are there. A servant has to supply glasses to a person If he supplies the glasses without any damage he will et 3 paise otherwise he will loose 3 paise.At the end of supplying 100 glasses if he gets 270 paise, how many glasses were supplied safely.
Ans: 95

13. Write TestCases for mobile?

14. Enlist types of dc generator?

15.What is the basic stuff you require to begin creating test cases?

16. Can we use 220 volt 15 w a.c. lamp on 220 volt d.c.

17. write negative testcases for notepad ?

18. what is difference between load ,strss and perofrmance?

19. what is meant by cyclomatic complexity???

20. Mod K ring counter requires how many number of flip-flops.
