PHILIPS Interview Experience |   4130

PHILIPS Interview Experience

                                              Philips Interview Experience

I applied through college or university. The process took a day – interviewed at Philips Electronics in September 2014.

There was an initial test followed by short listing candidates. Then there were two rounds - one technical and one HR. They basically look for good technical skills. HR is just a formality. So if you do well in tech, there is high probability that you get selected.

In the tech, they asked for my project and the part I played in it. Also, there were questions about linux and basic programming. Since I have written about web development in my resume, there were questions about web programming too. They basically expect you to own your work, so you should be able to specify you roles in the projects you have done and also, you should try to present any innovation you have done, since it will bring you bonus points.They asked about linux and its very specific commands. Since I was very well versed with linux, I was able to answer them. 

Also, dedication to the work and owning your work is given high priority, You can get in even if you have medium coding skills, but have an analytic mind persistent effort and willingness to study. All this will be evaluated in the interview process.


All the best !!!
