PHILIPS Candidate-Experiences |   4653

PHILIPS Candidate-Experiences

                                               Philips Selection Procedure

Hi friends!!

I have attended Philips Selection Test. Here I am sharing my experience with you.


Philips Selection Procedure consists of :

1. Written Test

2. Technical Interview

3. HR Interview

1. Written test


Written test consists of 3 sections. (There is no negative marking.)
Section 1 consists of analytical
Section 2 consists of C and Data structures.
Section 3 depends on ur branch …

For ECE section 3 consists of some electrical and electronics questions and for CS it consists of algorithms and OS…. test duration is for 1 hour… 
section 1 -15Ques…
section 2 -15Ques and 
section 3 -20 Ques…. paper will be difficult…


2. Technical Interview : Subjectwise questions will be asked.


3. HR Interview: Generally common HR interview questions will be asked.
