Oriental Bank of Commerce(OBC) Pattern |   356

Oriental Bank of Commerce(OBC) Pattern

                                         Oriental Bank of Commerce Exam Pattern 

Basically Oriental Bank of Commerce exam has the following structure but we urge candidates to get ensure from the Oriental Bank of Commerce prospectus or from official website before starting the preparation.

Oriental Bank of Commerce PO Exam Pattern

1. Written test: This test is of 2 papers as

a. Objective paper: This paper consists of 4 sections such as
1. Test of Reasoning.
2. Test of English.
3. Test of Clerical Aptitude.
4. Test of Numerical Ability.

b. Descriptive Paper: It will consist of 4 questions out of that candidates are required to attempt 3 questions only. This test is of qualifying only.

2. Interview: Depending upon the number of vacancies, only those candidates who rank sufficiently high in objective test will be called for Interview.
