Whole-Testpaper |   10687


Hi I am  Ramprasad.Petla ... M.Sc. (chem) KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY....I chose chemistry as domain.. the exam covered.... G.S. PART (40)questions are in 50:50 ratio of current affairs &G.K. some of them are...
 1.Barack Obama got Nobel in which category..?
 2.yuki bambri related to which of the games..?
3.rajeev Khel Rathna Awardee for 2009......?
4.Partition line between India & china....?
5.Capital of Lakshadweep..............?
6.voting age reduced from 21 to 18 by which amendment of constitution....?
7.child labor become crime by which article of constitution........?
8.Last before commonwealth games held at.......?
9.Vascode Gamma reached India at which place ........?
10.longest bone in the human body..........?
11.what does SEBI do..........?
12.quit India movement year..........?
13.RBI nationalized in which year.......?
14.SAARC countries..........?
15.first woman speaker (Loksabha)..........?
 DESCRIPTIVE: 1. global climate changes & safe steps to take...?
                           2. problems regarding urbanization....? 
some of the SUBJECT PART questions (electro chemistry, reagents & spectroscopy topics stressed)......
lead in water causes......?
octane number related Qs...?
term symbol related Qs..?
water gas formula..?
purest form of coal........?
what is tincture iodine........?
acid rains consists of which of the following acid....?
rust formula....?
nido, arachino boranes related Qs....?
claisen rearrangement is_____ sigmatropic rearrangement ?
half life is 8min. then what % of a rad.active element remains after 24min, ....?
basic property decreasing order of  NH3, H2O,HF    ?
non aromatic  among.... 18-,14-,10-,6- annulenes...?
 DESCRIPTIVE: 1.draw & explain M.O. level diagram of hetero diatomic molecule...?
                          2.define ionic defects in lattices & explain schottkey ,frenkel defects...?
 .................................................... thats all i remember..............................................................................................................................................
