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Placement Paper

 ONGC whole Test paper,for practice, ONGC latest general awareness, aptitude questions, Technical questions, ONGC model questions for practice

ONGC verbal ability questions with answers and solved technical questions with answers,ongc free solved sample placement papers

 1.        The nearest meaning of the word COARSE is _____.

a.       Impolite

b.      Rough - ans

c.       Polish

d.      Improper

2.     The insulation resistance of a cable wire is 300 mega ohm per km. Its value for the length of 500 metre is ______.

a.       600 mega ohm

b.      300 mega ohm

c.       75 mega ohm

d.      150 mega ohm – ans

3.     In a certain code language RUSH is written as 66. How will GIRL be written in the same code language?

a.       75

b.      64

c.       47

d.      46 – ans

4.     In a row of 25 children, Nayan is fourteenth from the right end. In the row, Arun is third to the left of Nayan. What is the place of Arun from the left in the row ?

a.       Tenth

b.      Seventh

c.       Eight

d.      Ninth – ans

5.    Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word:-


a.       Assertive

b.      Proud

