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ONGC-Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) exam 2012 Free Question Papers Answers Previous Year Old Placement Paper ONGC upcoming graduate trainee 2012 notification, selection procedure and test pattern, ONGC graduate trainees for ECE,EEE,Mechnical.....written test examination dates and previous years solved question papers with answers, ONGC free solved sample placement papers and technical interview questions with answers,ONGC Interview procedure, ONGC Aptitude, reasoning test papers, ONGC complete preparatory tool and tips to crack all IT NON-IT and IBPS, Bank written test examination questions papers with detailed solutions

1.Effect of Globalization on the rural economy

2.Explain "unity in diversity" in India

General question
Dieses of pellagra due to which reason?

Red blood cell is having ?

NH-15 is connect to which city ?

?2010 FIFA world cup held in which countryChildren should be sent to school they should not permit to work. This comes under which ARTICLE ?

?President should submit his resignation to whom ?Mahatma Gandhi used to take advices from ?

Who is the president of INC during split of congress in session of 1907?

First company to have CISF SECURITY 

first buddist council held in ?

National Environment Engineering" Institute is located in?Highest peak in the sathpura range?

Who introduce the Mansabdari SYSTEM

KONKAN coastal line is held b/n?

Author of "Neel Darpan"

which river cut the tropical of cancer twice

orange and some options

where will next climate summit will take place

Mexico Canada NigeriaBear lake is in which country?

Tipaimukh DAM is in which state?

Krishna River originates from which part

Tadri Ultra Mega Power Project is in which state

Name the State with highest decay in population growth rate?

?Sex ratio of India as per latest censusWhich championship was won by Grandmaster Parimarjan Negi?

National Solar Mission is to ensure 20000 MW power production by which year?

Which is the Highest Peak of SATPURA RANGE?

Moplah Rebellion occurred in 1921 in which part of the country?[options were a)coromandal coast b)malabar coast c)Punjab]

Who is the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister?

In Assembly elections state in which a single party has won all seats?

2 Domain (electronics) question :1.k-map equation related proved that .

2. Design?of a analog?circuit which have output as V=∫V1dt+ ∫V2dt+∫V3dt?Domain questions :1.aspect ratio in TV is width to height.

2. Adsl download rate is high compare to upload.

3.110 is class C in IP address
4. if sun near to earth it is called ?

5.what is indicted the arrow head in transistor ?

6. if 100 battery of 9 volt is connect in parallel the what is output voltage ?

7.question related to satellite orbit

8.pcm,dm.dpcm technique


10. Carrier SYNCHRONIZATION not needed in QPSK,PSK,FSK?


12.LIJJAJOUS pattern

13.laser is produce white light due to ?

14.wein bridge is use to measure of frequency.

15.radar system is using multiple of 16 then what is the multiplier

?a)2 b)4 c)8 d)1616.x= ab +b?c is having how many how 0?s in the truth table?17.1 nepar=_ db

18. resolution of 6 bit is ?

19. Find correct parity as odd parity : Rightmost bit as parity bit : 1111111 1 , 0011010 1 , 1100110 1 , 0000000 0.

20.slew rate

21.fetch cycle

22.voltmeter sensitivity is measure in ?

23.microcontroller is having?


25.tunnel diode

26.BCD to binary converter

27.baud rate and bit rate which is grater ?

28.ideal op amp is having _i/p , _o/p , _bandwidth ?29.IC 555 timer is having how many flip flop and comparator

31. Modulation index increased from 0 to 1 . Transmitted power now ?

32. De-emphasis is used because

33. Voltage gain of emitter follower : <=1 , =1 , >=1 , cannot say

34. CRO uses which method of focusing

35. Positive Feedback is same as : degeneration , regeneration36. Lowest Efficiency in Power AMPLIFIER IS CLASS A , B , AB , C ?37. 2 heater 1000W, 250V connected in series in 250V , 50HZ AC mains. Power drawn =?38. HTTP = stateful/stateless protocol ?39.which Layer responsible for delivery of packet from node to node ?

40. Difference between controlled variable and desired value of process control system

41. Why differentiator is not part of control system : Increases input noise , increases error , reduces gain, reduces damping

42 Which is analog : DCM , DM , DPCM , PWM43. Identical Telephone no. under different exchanges are distinguished by : Modulation indices , language digit , access digit , area code44. Common ckt in Freq Hopp Spread Spectrum and Direct Seq Spread Spectrum : correlator , Freq Synthesizer , Sweep Generator , Pseudo Random Noise Code Generator

45. Minimum Bwto transmit 56 kbps with no noise ?

46. Minimum Bwto transmit 56 kbps with no noise ?

47. f = 10 kHz sampled at Nyquist rate time int B/W 2 success samples ?48. Find correct parity as odd parity : Rightmost bit as parity bit : 1111111 1 , 0011010 1 , 1100110 1 , 0000000 0

49. ?Dynamic memory cell store data in : register , capacitor50. +0.5 V in TTL logic is : high , low , undefined , high impedance51. 5th clock of johnson counter gives o/p = 0111 , 6th clock gives o/p = ?52. Volts / div on CRO changes : gain in vertical / sec , : gain in horizontal / sec , freq of timebase , freq of trigger53. . Measurement of Q is based on principle of : Resonance , Mutual Inductance , Piezoelectric Effect , Peltier Effect54. Laser light is brighter because : Pure , Coherent , White , Monochromatic

55 Centre tapped transformer in single phase cycloconeuses : 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 SCR

56. . Maximum height of satellite : Apogee , Perigee57. Satellite stays in orbit because : Satellite wt. + speed , gravitational pull + inertia , centripetal force +speed , satellite wt +pull of sun and moon

58. FET depends on controlling current through SC change : 1 polarity , 2 polarity , 4 , 8 polarity

59. Beta : Current gain in CC Mode , Current gain in CE Mode, Voltage gain in CC Mode, , Voltage gain in CE Mode60. Flash Analog To Digital of each comparator is connected to : decoder , priority encoder , MUX ,Demux

61. To serially shift a nibble of data in shift register there must be clock pulses : 2 , 4 , 8 , 1 clock pulse for each data62. Mod 10 counter uses Flip flop : 10 , 4 , 2 , 8

63. Which family IC have better noise immunity : TTL , ECL , CMOS , DTL

64. Address required for 4096 bit memory arranged in 512 X 8 memory

65. When 8 bits serial in / out shift reg. I sused for 20 (mew)sec time delay. Find clock frequency66. Conversion time of 6 bit successive approximation type ADC : 32 , 64 , 6 , 1/6 usec

67. Fibre optic cable best for high speed data transfer : single mode step index ?, multiple mode step index , single mode graded index , multiple mode graded index?

68. Microcontroller includes : CPU + Memory + I/O + Clock Generator , CPU + Memory + I/O , CPU + I/O69. Flag to manipulate movement of string : parity , zero , direction , inter

70. . Microwave signal propagates by way of : direct , surface , sky , standing wave71. Makes equivalent current generator in circuit analysis : Norton , Thevenin , Maxm. Power Transfer , Superposition72. When HPF and LPF section are connected in // it as Band reject filter with : fl > fh , fl = fh , fl < fh73. When peak transmitted power of a radar is increased by a factor of 16 , maxm range increases by a factor : 2 , 4, 8, 16
