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ONGC-Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) exam 2012,2011,2010,2009 Free Question Papers Answers Previous Year Old Placement Paper ONGC upcoming graduate trainee 2012 notification, selection procedure and test pattern, ONGC graduate trainees for ECE,EEE,Mechnical.....written test examination dates and previous years solved question papers with answers, ONGC free solved sample placement papers and technical interview questions with answers,ONGC Interview procedure, ONGC Aptitude, reasoning test papers, ONGC complete preparatory tool and tips to crack all IT NON-IT and IBPS,Bank written test examination questions papers with detailed solutions

Hi All,
ONGC Paper was Easy Technical but difficult GK.
Paper had : 120 Qs : 40 GK (tough) + 80 Technical (easy) with NO NEGATIVE MARKING and AMPLE AMOUNT OF TIME (3 hours)
However test centre was full of aspirants so you have to be very accurate with the answers.

ONGC 2011 Questions (Based on Memory) (After : options are given based on memory )

1. Modulation index increased from 0 to 1 . Transmitted power now ?

2. Deemphasis is used because

3. In FM, maximum deviation at what point of modulating signal

4. Voltage gain of emitter follower : <=1 , =1 , >=1 , cannot say

5. CRO uses which method of focussing

6. Slew Rate unit

7. Positive Feedback is same as : degeneration , regeneration

8. Integrator is : LPF , HPF

9. Lowest Efficiency in Power amplifier : A , B , AB , C

10. When PLL is used as frequency multiplier, O/P is taken from

11. Ideal OP Amp ? Input Impedance = ? Output Impedance = ? , Voltage Gain = ?

12. IC 555 uses how many Flip Flop combination

13. PF of inductive circuit : 0 , 1

14. Unit of magnetic flux

15. 2 heater 1000W, 250V connected in series in 250V , 50Hz ac mains. Power drawn =?

16. 100 batteries , 9V each in parallel combination, Voltage across combination ?

17. HTTP = stateful/stateless protocol ?

18. IP address starts with binary address 110 it is class : A , B , C , D

19. Layer responsible for delivery of packet from node to node

20. ADSL behaviour : upload and download which is more or less ?

21. Damping factor = 1 : underdamped , critically damped , overdamped

22. Difference between controlled variable and desired value of process control system

23. Why differentiator is not part of control system : Increases input noise , increases error , reduces gain, reduces damping

24. Definitiuon of Transfer Fn

25. Identical Telephone no. under different exchanges are distinguished by : Modulation indices , language digit , access digit , area code

26. Which is analog : DCM , DM , DPCM , PWM

27. Carrier synchronization not needed in : BPSK , DPSK , QPSK , QAM

28. Common ckt in Freq Hopp Spread Spectrum and Direct Seq Spread Spectrum : correlator , Freq Synthesizer , Sweep Generator , Pseudo Random Noise Code Generator

29. Bit Rate _ Baud Rate ? : > , < , = 

30. Minimum Bwto transmit 56 kbps with no noise ?

31. Asynchronous data transfer : start stop as mark and space

32. f = 10 kHz sampled at Nyquist rate time int B/W 2 success samples ?

33. Find correct parity as odd parity : Rightmost bit as parity bit : 1111111 1 , 0011010 1 , 1100110 1 , 0000000 0

34. Dynamic memory cell store data in : register , capacitor

35. +0.5 V in TTL logic is : high , low , undefined , high impedance

36. Convert BCD 0001 0111 to binary

37. Resolution of 6 bit DAC

38. 5th clock of johnson counter gives o/p = 0111 , 6th clock gives o/p = ?

39. Lissajous figure are eant for measuring : R , V , I , f

40. Unit of Voltage Sensitivity : Ohm/V , V/Ohm , Ohm V , V

41. Volts / div on CRO changes : gain in vertical / sec , : gain in horizontal / sec , freq of timebase , freq of trigger

42. Measurement of Q is based on principle of : Resonance , Mutual Inductance , Piezoelectric Effect , Peltier Effect

43. Laser light is brighter because : Pure , Coherent , White , Monochromatic

44. Contents of Instruction Poointer Specify

45. Waveguide has cut of freq = 17KHz . Which freq will not pass by waveguide : 15 Khz, 22 Khz

46. 1 nepar = _ db

47. Transmission length < (lambda/4) in short ckt behaves as

48. Holding ckt in SCR

49. Centre tapped transformer in single phase cycloconeuses : 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 SCR

50. Maximum height of satellite : Apogee , Perigee

51. Satellite stays in orbit because : Satellite wt. + speed , gravitational pull + inertia , centripetal force +speed , satellite wt +pull of sun and moon

52. FET depends on controlling current through SC change : 1 polarity , 2 polarity , 4 , 8 polarity

53. Beta : Current gain in CC Mode , Current gain in CE Mode, Voltage gain in CC Mode, , Voltage gain in CE Mode

54. Flash Analog To Digital of each comparator is connected to : decoder , priority encoder , MUX , Demux

55. To serially shift a nibble of data in shift register there must be clock pulses : 2 , 4 , 8 , 1 clock pulse for each data

56. Mod 10 counter uses Flip flop : 10 , 4 , 2 , 8

57. Which family IC have better noise immunity : TTL , ECL , CMOS , DTL

58. Address required for 4096 bit memory arranged in 512 X 8 memory

59. When 8 bits serial in / out shift reg. I sused for 20 (mew)sec time delay. Find clock frequency

60. Conversion time of 6 bit successive approximation type ADC : 32 , 64 , 6 , 1/6 usec

61. Wein Bridge is used to measure : f , L , R , C

62. Fibre optic cable best for high speed data transfer : single mode step index , multiple mode step index , single mode graded index , multiple mode graded index 

63. Microcontroller includes : CPU + Memory + I/O + Clock Generator , CPU + Memory + I/O , CPU + I/O

64. Fetch cycle is : 1st part of instruction cycle ,

65. Flag to manipulate movement of string : parity , zero , direction , inter

66. Microwave signal propagates by way of : direct , surface , sky , standing wave

67. Makes equivalent current generator in circuit analysis : Norton , Thevenin , Maxm. Power Transfer , Superposition

68. When HPF and LPF section are connected in // it as Band reject filter with : fl > fh , fl = fh , fl < fh

69. When peak transmitted power of a radar is increased by a factor of 16 , maxm range increases by a factor : 2 , 4, 8, 16

70. Tunnel diode : is a point contact diode with high reverse resistance, is highly doped pn junction diode

71. Arrow head of transistor symbol indicates : (drift / diffusion of electron/hole)


73. Currently nearly equal : Ic Ie , Ib Ie , Ic Ib , Ib Ic Ie

74. Aspect ratio : raster width + height , Horizontal scanning frequency + Vertical Scanning frequency. 

Subjective : Suggest a circuit and then prove : V0 = /(V1) + /(V2) + /(V3) where /=integral, and prove it 
Soln : Use summer in integrator
Solve a Karnaugh map
