ONGC Candidate-Experiences |   3004

ONGC Candidate-Experiences

          ONGC_MRPL Managment Trainee Exam-Mechanical Engineering held in Kolkata

The exam consists of 150 Questions. in 3 hrs.. 100 Technical, 30 GK, 20 Aptitude questions.

The following are some of the questions asked in the GK section :
Israeli parliament, Hames Rodriguez, Harihar Bukka, Amir Khusrau, Speaker -article 102, Indore MP, Meghna river, Photosynthesis related question, Star Temperature, Vijay Seshadri, Nandan Nilekani's imaging india, Mithali Raj- Cricket, heena sindhu-shooting, Next winter olympics-south korea, Femur -longest bone, Reduce reuse recycle, Meghraj -GI cloud, Habers process- ammonia, Isotope, Manganese in steel related question, Break even point where operating cost is recovered, Fields award 2014, BCCI by star TMullaperiyar dam, SAARC countries-8, Parsi festival,FIFA world cup related question, odd one out..balaghat,human/fisheries/metals?, which digests first? ans is carbohydrates, Mullaiperiyar is in kerela and conflict is b/w Tamilnadu and Kerela, s.chandrasekhar ..for black theory. 


Aptitude part consists of average,area, ratio and proportion ,odd one out,series completion,profit and loss questions .

The following are some of the questions asked in the Technical section : 
1. Pressure measurement gauge related question, progressive mara ek ka jisme go nd no go,Crowning height depends on ?, surface roughness,  gyroscopic couple , COP, critical pressure, temperature 800 k, machining time ?, Not basic part of arc welding? pressure 
2.Least % of c in? wrought iron 
3.Nozzle to get supersonic flow? 
5.In free convection of flate plate.......? Gr&pr 
6.Impellar of high specific speed? mixed,radial,axial 
7.High head in turbomachinery? mixed,axial,radial 
8.Gas turbine depends on ? brayton cycle 
9.At economic loading mixture is ? very rich ,very lean,stochiometric 
10.BACK GEARING OF LATHE? to obtain less no of speed lower in magnitude,high no of speed lower in magnitude,less no of speed higher in magnitude,high no of speed in high magnitude

11. Rake angle ? 
12. Find min possible shear angle? 
12.Carburising flame is used for ?
13. High carbon steels & alloys 
14.Most hardening process? cyaniding,nitriding,tempering 
15.Annealing is done in? Water,air,furnace 
16.Turbine blades are made by? centrifugal casting,pressure die casting,ultra sonic welding steady flow, shot peening, plasticbottle manufacture, blanking, carburettor, axial flow, pelton wheel, shear stress, conduction k 2k 4k, nozzle, misrun, rivet spec, depth definition, stainless steel welding
