Candidate-Experiences |   11236


Hi all....i wrote the ONGC GT exam held on 25 oct 2009..thought i will share wid you my experience...first of all...ONGC exam is supposedly one of the hard nuts to crack..dats wat its made to look..u'l c dat wen u chek out the samples available on d net..but compared to all dat...dis years exam was on d easier side..n guys ..i can assure you..put some whole hearted efforts on your tech..some 4-5 days full effort will do d trick...d GK part was easy.You wil get the mark division fron deir site.
I appeared for the electrical section i wil tell you the  pattern for dat....questions wer from control systems...machines..instrumantation..a few from circuits n networks..b clear about the basics..dat wud solve quite a lot of dem..esp control sytems..stability stuff..n al the motor n generator basics..wat they ask for are the basic ideas..few from non core areas like..semioconductor n gates ...
Sample questions in tech..
- numerical from sensitivity of meter..from instrumentation..
-numericals from CS stability part..Routh hurwitxzn is given n find whether stable or not..
-machines some basic questions..transformer numericals..
-a few circuits..for the theorem stuff..
-a gate has high output wen both inputs are low....wich is the gate..options..EXNOR and NAND,EXNOR n NOR..n so on
_a mosfet acts as which of the following in on position..Battery..capacitor..
-the voltage n current are given for the collector side...wid emitter grounded..wats the efiiciecny..
problems from load factor...divesity factor..numericals..
 Sample questions from GK(mostly current ask all historic stuff..but dis time not much of them)
-the name of cricket team owned by SRK....!
-civil services wer indianised under which viceroy ...sumthin like dat..
-operation hand in hand with which nation..
-warfare brought from which nation
-author of My country My life
-Author of  Discovery of India
-Elephanta pass wer?
-Kuchipudi which state
-check out latest GDP rates n ll..such stuff  was asked..
Descriptive side
NON tech
-Global awareness on terrorism
-India during  recession times
-Speed control of motors both series n advantages n disadvantages
-Paralleling of alternators..necessity n conditions
Prepare well....b sure about the basics..all the best!
