Placement Paper |   5922

Placement Paper

ONGC 3 hours written test examination No of technical questions :90 and 30 general awareness and aptitude ONGC some questions I shared for my based on my memory to help your upcoming written test exmination conducted in ONGC for grdauate trainees recruitment

ONGC 90 Technical  Questions  30 general awareness  30 aptitude(+english comprehension)

1  Simple question about j k flipflop

2  How many ff used in Decade counter

3 NAM 2012

4 Litrature 

5 CAG article

6 Supreme court writ article

7 Duration of law made by president when parliament is not in session

8 Small Reading comprehension

9 dam & river

10 Mineral & place

11 Widal test

12 steady state output condion in a laplace equation

13 Diagram on ex-or gate

14 Cdma

15 Technology used in gsm

16 Ku band

17 Radar diameter and range

18 Flexible waveguide

19 Faraday rotatiion not found in magic tee,circulator,etc

20 Isro gsat 10 launch

21 Country in between two continent

22 Code word gandhi to JKNIL n hindi to KINWHS ...then hindge...

23 Memory register AX BX CX DX?

24 Given an instruction & ask its addresing mode ....

25 Schmit trigger

26 PLL

27 Correction of wrong number in logical series...1 3 7 11 22...

28 Some different sets of  books in self..then question on its position...

29 Problem on direction move to north then turn left then move this much then move right like this..

