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Placement Paper

ONGC written test experience shared by Mahesh Bhanu Rekha ONGC written test procedure Test pattern memory based questions.........

ONGC General Knowledge and Aptitude (20 questions & 20 Questions each total 40 Questions)

Test Center: Banglore, 4/11/2012

Test Duration: 3Hrs,

Test Paper: Single paper (General awareness 20 Q’s +)Aptitude & Reasoning 20 Q’s + MechanicalEngineering 80 Q’s)Main Author: Mr. Mahesh B, (VTU, M-Tech BMSCE)

* General Question on Venn diagram (simple concept)

* Two vehicles approaching with 50km/hr vehicles apart by 100Km, A bird flying with 100km/hris on one car and reaches the other car and again comes back. Distance travelled by bird
before the car meets each other. (Source: Puzzle’s to puzzle you by Shakuntala Devi)

* Chilaka Lake is in _ _ _ _ _ state/place.* 2012 NAM summit was held in _ _ _ _ _ _ _.* A line which passes thro the points of equal rainfall area is _ _ _ _ _.

* In Olympics closing ceremony our Indian Flag was held by _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

* Bacteria/virus which causes food poisoning is _ _ _ _ _ _.

* Match the following of important places/locations, & in which state they are located

.* Major Indian Rivers and their connected project works.

* The selection/election of vice president of India can be challenged in _--_-_--_.(The options included supreme court/supreme court & high court/ election commission)

* The order of precedence in govt. of India, Starting from President/Prime Minister to thedistrict level/ or Panchyat level.

* Emerging Cricketer of the year in 2012 in ICC T20 World cup is _ _ _ _ _. (Topic on Indiansports latest)

* A question is asked w.r.t to articles connected to CAG and its authority

.* Some basic article topic is asked (India Polity part from IES Made Easy by B P Singh)* Some questions on literature works of famous Authors or poets (about whom we have alreadystudied in school/college) level

* Person inspired by Rabindranath Tagore’s "Geetanjali" is _ _ _ _ _ _ .

* For current affairs newspaper is the best source.

* Brother, mother, father, sister, brother-in law type, problems on relations

.* One English passage and connected questions to the passage.

* Indian constitution article’s relating to factories act.
Largest uranium deposits is found in _ _ _ _ _ _ (in world).

* Train velocity without compartment attached is 42 km/hr. when 9 compartments are attachedits velocity is 24km/hr. change in velocity is directly proportional to the square root of number of compartments that is attached.

* Which one is a good cholesterol food?, Given options were (low density lipids) LDL, LDVL,HDL etc...

* The play written by William Shakespeare in which the main character dies because of theconsumption of poison. In options some plays /stories names were given.

* Regarding launch of 101th of ISRO’s GSAT, topic related.

* Which is not an epic 4 options were given in which Beowolf, Ramayana etc…

* If a star moves away from earth and its effect will be options were, wave length willincrease, wave length will decrease, etc…

* "Sugar blood fasting" means _ _ _ _ _ _ options included, testing of diabetics, control ofglucose, checking insulin levels etc…

* The place shared in between two continents is_ _ _ _ _ (Options were Istanbul, Cairo etc…)

Mechanical Topics on which questions were asked (80 questions each):
* Different types of turbines (i.e., impulse, reaction, radial, axial, mixed etc…) with theirNames, working head range, efficiencies, speed range, discharge specifications briefly
but not in depth.

* Factors affecting the shear on punch in punching operation. i.e., w.r.t to the type of workmaterial either it is ductile, malleable, toughness of work material etc…* Question on Taylors tool life equation simple concept oriented (not numerical) likefactors affecting the value of index "n".

* Factors affecting the tool life w.r.t to its back rake angle.* Casting of Ni based Blade in turbine of aircraft is done by _ _ _ _ _ _.* Simple problems on venture and pitot tubes i.e. regarding flow measurement, fluid heightrelated data will be given.

* 20 ton press means_ _ _ _ _ _ (from production, R K Jain Really a standard Book forMechanical Engineers)

* Problems on nozzles (non numerical, concept based) i.e. different ypes, convergentdivergent type, different flow type being hyper sonic, sonic and sub sonic and their corresponding change in velocity after passing through the nozzle.

* Numerical problems based on work, heat, carrnot efficiencies (Based on second law ofthermodynamics).

* 2 – 3 questions were asked involving natural frequency, critical frequency and dampedfrequency ()single degree freedom system, damped, undamped but not forced).

* Engineering mechanics question, which involves pulley, wedge, slope and weight, withspring attached.

* Match the following having different types of cam and their profile/movement graphs.

* Types of casting defect and causes i.e. like cold shuts etc…

* The cycle generally followed in thermal power plant is _ _ _ _ _ (i. e. Rankine cycle

* Which process increases the cycle efficiency regenerator or reheater or by reducingpressure or by increasing the pressure.

* Topic on annealing i.e. heat treatment process related

.* Carburizing flame is used for cutting which material (i.e. from the topic of gas cuttingand different type of flames)

* A complex shaped cavity is to be made on a plate of given dimension type of technique usedis options were EDM, wireEDM, ECM, USM. Topic related to non-conventional machining.

* PAM (Plasma Arc Machining) is extensively used in maching because of _ _ _ _ _. givenoptions included high concentration of beam is obtainable etc…

* For etching of glass, chemical used is _ _ _ _ _.

* Merchants Min. strain energy equation, calculation of shear angle for a given tool rakeangle.

* Aeroplane moving at 700km/hr, a mass of 100kg is dropped from a height of 1000m time takenby mass to reach ground is _ _ _ _ _ . (From engg. Mechanics)

* In forced convection consideration is given for which numbers/number. Its option was Re,Gr, Pr etc…

* Similarly for free convection, which numbers are to be taken into consideration.* In shaft design, minimum necessary condition required to be satisfied is, in optionsTheories of failures were given and its combination. (Topic from the concept of theories of failure)

* If a shaft starts deforming plastically i.e. incipient plastic deformation starts then atthe movement the ability of the shaft to transmit torque. In options increases, decreases,same etc…* Shrink fit problem i.e. A ring on a shaft. The min temp rise/dec required to remove the ringis asked, all the constants value w.r.t the problem is given.

* Failure type in case of brittle shaft is at an angle of 45deg, with its axis during torquetransmission it is due to __ _ _ _ _.

* Latest group of eco-friendly refrigents used options were given.* The difference between Wilsons line and Walliams line is asked. One is related to steamnozzles and other one related to I C Engines.

* Type of chart used like P-type n-type etc… and their particular distribution type mean,defect, etc… were asked (Topic from operations management).* One problem was there on a jet striking on an inclined plane and the force distribution wasasked alone the plate surface (Simple numerical)

* Many simple questions were asked about the rack and pinion type gear, its pressure ratio.* Regarding clutch design the wear allowance is considered on which type of clutches.Options included new clutches, old clutches, under service type etc…Suggested Study Material:

* "Mechanical Engineering for Competitions – by R K Jain", (PartII objectivetype question and answer is very important, especially chapter No. 15)

* For Current Affairs, Min 3months newspaper back from the exam date,(AnyNewspaper),

* General Studies IES Made Easy By B P Singh,(Indian Polity Chapter is reallyStandard and Important)

* Quantative Aptitude by RS Aggrawal, ()worked examples are more important)

* Puzzles to puzzles you By Shakuntala Devi,(solve simple problems especiallyrelated to velocity and time and area only)

* Co-contributors:* Mr. Manju Bharadwaj (VTU, MYSORE)* Mr. Balakrishnan (TN, Chennai)* Miss. Bhanu Rekha (Mangalore University, Mangalore).
