NTPC Technical - Other |   11267

NTPC Technical - Other


1.What is  intensive property?

2.What is engg.stress?

3."ideal"cycle for s.i. engine?

4.Heat transfer mode in radiation?(e m wave)

5.Expnsn of steam in turbine is_________process?

6.Francis turbine is _________type(dirsn) of turbine?

7.Unit of refrigrtsn?

8.Efficiency  of   heat  engine?

9.Unit of  overall heat trnsfr coff.?

10.Von-mises theory is  based on  which  princpl?(max.sh.strain)

11.Which is used as  refrigerent?(freon)

12.Meaning of  stage in turbine?

13.By increasing  insulation, heat transfr rate will ____??(may incrs or decrs ,it will depnd on thickness)

14.When whirling of  shaft will occur?

15.What will be deflection of  simply supptd beam?


17.Why spiral casing is used in centrifugal pump?

18.What is d use of draft tube?

19.One que. related to press.compounding?

20.One que.related to vel.compounding?

21.Where super-sonic velocity will occr in nozl?

22.One que related to direction in gyroscopy chapter?

23.Which governer is used in gramo-phone?

24.What will be  frequency of cantilvr-beam?

25.When "IMPACT"

1 An ice block submerged in the water, if the ice melts level of water

     (increase,decrease,remains same,none)      


2 Simply supported beam with w point load at the middle, max.    bending moment?(wl/4)


3  Simply supported beam with UDL ,max.deflection (wl4/384EI)


4  Cantilevel beam point load at tip,max.bending momemt comes at (end)


5  When bearing life  L10 represents (bearings 10%survive,bearings 10% fails, none )


6 For welding high carbon steels which type of flame is used  (oxidizing,carburizing,neutral,none)


7. Arrange the following cutting tools in decreasing order of machining hardness…Ceramics


8. When P1 and P2 are the loads acting on bearings with life L1 and L2 then L1/L2=?


9.Product simplification does not mean??
    Product characterization


10 Which of the following process has the most scope in manufacturing?              
    CAD/CAM, CAM , CIM, All the above.


11. Concurrent engineering means?         
    (Manufacturing, designing, both,none)


12. Which manufacturing process yields higher output and increases worker productivity-
    (process layout,line+process,functional layout)


13. 18-4-1 represents-, Tungsten-Cr-Vn


14    For which material is negative allowance provided-(Graphite,steel,bronze,cast iron)


15. What is the recrystallisation temperature of tin- (60,300,1000,none)


16. What is the purpose of borax in soldering-  


17. Top gates are provided in which type of casting-(Shallow casting,simple,complex,none)


18. Which statement is true regarding simple gear trains-(i/p and o/p shafts r fixed, each shaft has 2 gears, i/p & o/p         shafts r moving)


19. What is the purpose of normalizing- (Refining of grain structure)


20. As the grain size is decreased-(Hardness increases,corrosion resistance decreases,both)


21. Isothermal gas is filled in a vessel at a pressure P and temperature T then considering the compressible forces as         the height increases pressure ??(linearly increases linearly decreases exponentially increase )


22. A bottle is filled with water and air and is tied to a string and is rotated in horizontal direction. Then in which     d        irection will air bubble travel?
    (bottom,neck,uniformly spread)


23. A empty bottle(in vaccum) filled with a gas at temp T and press P when the pressure of bottle reaches P                  temperature of the gas is _?            (T,T/K,TK)


24. Bearing somerfield number _ with load on bearing?           
        (increases,decreases,no change)


25. Critical radius for a sphere is-(2k/h)


26. Critical radius exist for_ (spherical,cylindrical,both,slab)


27. Convectional resistance/internal resistance is called (biot number)


28. Nusselt no. is? (hl/k)


29. EOQ=?


30 Which statement is true regarding critical path method? (i only one critical path exists for a network, more than          one with same duration,)


31. Shipment cost,inspection cost,storage cost comes under_ (carrying cost ,holding cost,)


32. Ischronous governers sensitivity is- (zero,infinite)


33. self energized brakes are-(friction moment acts in the direction of application of force,opposite to the direction of         force, does not need a force to act ,)


34 The ratio of heat capacities for evaporator and condenser is_  (Zero,infinity)


35. when steam and air mixture with partial pressure 0.06 and 0.07 enters a condenser what is the condenser                     pressure?            (0.06,0.07,0.53,0.03)


36. In pulverized burning of coal heat transfer from boiler to water occurs through_( predominant radiation, convection, conduction, conduction+convection) 


37. Rankine cycle efficiency for same parameters increases mostly with_(reheat, regeneration, super heating )


38. Ericson cycle  with all reversible processes assume_(carnot cycle,stirling,brayton


 39. Air delivery tank at outlet of reciprocating compressor is provided for_ (provide constant pressure, avoid cavitation, )


40. High speed centrifugal pump has _?           
(vanes faces in forward direction side,backward,radial vanes)


41.  Thermal efficiency in decreasing order_?           
(Otto cycle>dual cycle>diesel cycle)


42. When a 1000 K body comes in contact with atmosphere at 300K a loss of 9000 KJ heat is transferred. The net available energy transferred is_
43. When entropy of a system increases_?           
(unavailable energy increases )

44. Rolling is a process widely used for_?           

(I section,tubes)


45. Tool nomenclature_?


46. In francis turbine movement of steam?


47. For low power consumption _?           
(rake angle should be increased / decreased, nose angle increased/ decreased)


47. Continuous chips occur in_?           
(High speeds,low speeds,both,none)


48. Primary forces in a reciprocating engine_?           
(fully balanced, partially balanced, completely unbalanced, none)


49. In proximate analysis pyrogallol is used for analysis of which element_?           


50. Sulphur content in fuel greatly affects_?           


51. Heat transfer through radiation can be increased by_?           

(decreasing emissivity  and increases temperature of hot body)


52. which theory of failure clearly explains the failure in case of ductile material?          
 (Maximun shear stress theory or Guests or trescas theory)


53. When a material is subjected to continuous cycles which limit is being verified?          
 (Endurance limit)


54. where is stress concentration maximum?           
(notches, stress reducing throughcuts)


55. Power transmitted through a belt drive_?           


56. According to Eulers theory crippling or buckling load is           
(Wcr = Cπ2EI/l2)

57. During sensible heating, specific humidity_?           
(remains constant)


58. COP of a refrigerator is _?           
(greater than 1 )


59. The maximum temperature in a refrigeration cycle is_?           
(less than/greater than/equal to critical temperature)

60. The pressure at the throat of the nozzle_?           


61. for a statically determinate set of  forces for equilibrium_?           
(∑ f(X),f(Y),f(Z)=0,∑M=0)


62. For a statically determinate set of forces-          
(there r as many equations as the no. of unknowns)

63. 1-2-3 analysis is used for_?           
(1.break even analysis, ??)


64.  A problem on mean time of service  something like a salesman has a rating of 120. considering 10% allowance time calculate the time required to serve 120???


65. A problem n determining time in a queue??


66. Energy equation for a laminar flow is _?           
        (Uniform and steady ,non uniform and unsteady)

67. Undercuts in welding occurs due to_?           
    ( low welding current,high welding current)


68. Work holding equipment in shearing??


69. At the centre of a nozzle _?          
    ( Mach no<1 >=1;=1)

