NTPC General - other |   7853

NTPC General - other


Hi friends,
I am a final yr CIVIL Engg student at Mar Athanasius College Of Engg. Kothamangalam. as usual the test consists of  2 parts: part1 of 120 questions ( technical)
and part2 of 50 questions ( quantitative). 1/4 th will be deducted 4 every wrong answer. time duration is 2hrs

1. A problem from immediate settlement (direct application of formula)
2. Two problems from stress at top of a prestressed concrete beam
3. Notch is an instrument used 4 measuring ?
4. Which instrument is used 4 measuringvelocity (options: pitot tube, pilot tube , etc forgot)
5.Which is most ecologically efficient mthd of waste disposal (composting, incineration, pyrolysis n 1 more option)
6.What is activated sludge (a prdct after aeration n contains nutrients, a prduct after aeration n contains micro organisms, etc )
7.Which gas (es) causes acid rain
8.Questions from bending mnt at center of cantilever, shear stress of simply supported beam etc etc all nuemericals were asked
9.Questions abt buoyancy, centre of pressure etc were askd
10. EDTA test is used 2 find ?
11 Problems from the concept of effective stress

They askd abt ratios, percentages,profit, loss...
English ability (prepositions, passage, synonims, antonyms..)
Reasoning ( figure completion, finding conclusions, bar charts,....)

Time management is important
all the best

