NMDC Pattern |   20895

NMDC Pattern

                                                               NMDC Pattern

                                                             NMDC Limited Executive Trainee selection will be made on the basis of performance in the Written Examination, Group Discussion and Interview. Candidates called for Written Examination, Group Discussion and Interview shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any travelling expenses.


                                                     The Written Examination will cover the tests for Quantitative aptitude, Verbal ability, Reasoning and General awareness..The candidates must ensure that they have requisite qualification shown against each post as per layout of qualification and fulfill the required criteria before applying for the post.Eligible candidates will be required to appear for objective type written test at any one of the centres at Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Nagpur, New Delhi, Raipur.No request for change of examination centre will be entertained after final submission of application form. However, NMDC reserves the right to cancel or add any centre depending on the response in that area/centre. The written test for both the Technical and Administration disciplines will be held on the same day as per the following schedule:

Executive Trainees (Technical) – In the Forenoon session
Executive Trainees (Administration) – In the Afternoon session

                                                               Candidates can apply and compete for both viz Technical and Administration disciplines, subject to their fulfilling the eligibility conditions prescribed for each. Those interested incompeting for both the disciplines will have to apply separately for each of the discipline with requisite fee and also will be required to appear in the tests in both the sessions at the same centre.The written test will have five segments; Domain knowledge test for 100 marks and Aptitude test consisting of four segments viz. Quantitative aptitude, Verbal ability, Reasoning and General awareness of 25 marks each. The Total duration of test will be 150 minutes.To be eligible for GD and interview call, a candidate will have to qualify in each of the five segments for the respective discipline by scoring minimum 50 percentile marks in the respective category.(In case of SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PwD candidates minimum 40 percentile marks)

Group Discussion And Interview:

                                 From among those who qualify in the written test, candidates will be shortlisted for Group Discussion (GD) and Interview in the ratio of 1:5 for each discipline, category wise, in order of merit.A candidate has to qualify in Group Discussion and Interview for consideration for final selection, merit list for which will be drawn by combining the scores of Written test, GD and Interview with the weightage of 70:15:15 in that order.The GD and Interview may be held at short notice for which call letters will be uploaded on NMDC website and candidate will be intimated for the same through their e-mails. No other communication will be sent to the candidates for this purpose.
