NMDC Computer-Science-Engineering-CS |   2277

NMDC Computer-Science-Engineering-CS

                                                  NMDC Question Paper

Company : NMDC (National Mineral Development Corporation) Steel Limited 
(a wholly owned subsidiary of NMDC Limited )
Post : Executive Trainee (Technical )
Stream : Computer Science and Information Technology 
Place : Kolkata

Pattern :

Technical : 100 Questions.
Quant : 25 questions.
Reasoning : 25 questions. 
English : 25 questions.
General Awareness : 25 questions.

All questions have the same weightage.
No negative marking.
Composite time of 150 minutes.

Types of Questions :

1. Technical :

Difficulty level : Tough .

Computer Networking : 

* Port nos.(eg : DNS),and protocols(ICMP,HTTP,SNMP,FTP).
* Differential Manchester Encoding.
* Pulse Code Modulation.
* Shannon Capacity.
* Ethernet cables .
* Token rings.
* Data rate , redundancy codewords.

Most of the questions required mathematical computations . Questions were asked to calculate data rate , bandwidth , latency in token rings , number of codewords , minimum frame size (ethernets) etc.Questions related to IP Address , subnet masks etc.

C++ :

* Stress on constructors and destructors (copy constructors , default constructors.) .
* Properties of constructors and destructors needed to be known thoroughly to answer the quetions.
* Quite a few questions were asked regarding friend functions.
* Find the o/p from a given code snippet , File I/O related functions , Streams , Class templates.
* Standard knowledge of the C++ programming knowledge was required to answer the questions.

Java :Just 1 question related to properties of Method Overriding .

Digital :

Identify from the diagram the type of adder .

Graphics :1 numerical related to calculate the resolution of an image from the given properties.

RDBMS :BCNF, Fourth Normal Form , Keys , Joins , SQL commands . Mostly theoretical.

Operating System :Process, Critical sections , Peterson's algo , Numerical on Data transfer rate / seek time in CLook.

Web Technology :Html(Cellspacing/Cellpadding) , Focus related properties , View State , Client / Server Concepts , XML parser properties. 

File Extensions : file extensions of standard modules , activeX , compressed files.

They covered almost all the topics but emphasis was more on Computer Networks , C++ and RDBMS .

2. English : 

Difficulty level : Tough.
* Synonyms , Antonyms (Tough).
* 2 passages (Moderate).
* Find the correct phrase for the underlined part of a sentence (Tough).
* Find the incorrect part of a sentence (Moderate).

3. Quant :

 Difficulty level : Moderate .
* Time and work.
* Pipes and Cisterns.
* Trains and Boats.
* Partnerships.
* SI / CI
* Permutations
* Probability.
* Problems on Age.

Emphasis was more on problems related to Boats and Trains , Time and Work , Pipes and Cisterns .

4. Reasoning : 

Difficulty level : Easy 
* Seating Arrangements(Moderate).
* Coding-Decoding(Very Easy).
* Picture Perception(Moderate).
* Family relationships.(Easy).
* Venn Diagrams(Easy).
* Find the odd one out(eg: copper,Zinc,Iron,Mercury) (Easy).

5. General Awareness : 

Difficulty level : Moderate.
* Prize Winners : Abel Prize 2015 , Tyler Award winner 2015 , Bhupen Hazarika Award 2015.
* Sports : Snickometer used in which sport , Man of the Tournament in 2015 Cricket World Cup.
* Summits : Arab League Summit 2015 host , Africal Elephant Summit 2015 host.
* Bharat Ratna Awardees.
* First woman officer to die on line of duty.
* Earth day observed by which group - WWF.
* Latest Satellite launced by Isro in March 2015.
* Other general questions.

Most of the questions related to current affairs withing a span of three of months.
