NMDC Question-Paper

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NMDC conducts recruitment for various posts. Model papers of NMDC written test will help candidates to know the pattern of examination. Here we are providing NMDC model question paper for chemical engineering.

                                                   NMDC Model Question Paper 

Chemical Engineering

1. The pH value is the measure of hydrogen ion concentration in a solution. The term pH stands for the ..............in the solution.
a) Power of hydrogen ion concentration 
b) percentage ofl hydorgen ions 
c) presence of hydrogen ions 
d) none of these

2. A material lacking in toughness is usually termed as
a) plastic 
b) malleable 
c) brittle 
d) ductile

3.Otto cycle used in spark ignition petrol engines is also known as the constant.........cycle
a) volume 
c) heat 
d) none of these

4. X-Rays are
a) positively charged 
b) negatively charged 
c) neutral 
d) of higher wavelength than visible light

5. The hydraulic radius of a circular pipe of diameter ‘d’ flowing full is
a) d/4 
b) d/2 
c) 2d/3 
d) d/3

6.Which of the following is not an ore of iron
b) Magnetitel 
c) Hemetite 

7. Thermoplastics are never moulded using
a)injection moulding 
b) blow moulding 
c) extrusion 
d) compression moulding

8. Galena is an ore of
b) copper 

9. Desalination of water
a)makes it potable 
b) makes it non-potable 
c)means distillation of water 
d) none of these

10. Heat transfer by............is almost absent in case of fluidised bed drying operation
a) radiation 
c) convection 
d)l both (b) & (c)

11. The thermal efficiency of a heat engine giving an output of 4KW with an input of 10000 Joules/sec is ...................percent

12. Atomic.............................is a whole number for an element
a) number 
b) weight 
c) radius 
d) none of these

13. Limestone is added in the blast furnace (during pig iron manufacture) to
a) form slag by combining with impurities
b) supply heat by undergoing exothermic reaction with impurities
c) reduce the coke consumption
d) reduce slag viscosity

14. Coke is added in the blast furnace to
a) reduce & melt the iron ore
b) increase the fluidity of slag
c) remove sulphur & phosphorus from molten metal
d) none of these

15. The main charge in blast furnace is usually
a) iron ore & coke
b) iron ore, coke & air
c) limestone, coke & iron ore
d) limestone, sand & iron ore

16.Blast furnace slag is mainly molten
b) magnesium silicate 
c)calcium silicate 
d) iron pyrite

17. Leakage in a cooking gas cyclinder is detected by
a) radio-isotopes
b) pouring soap solution on the surface and locating the gasl bubbles.
c) halide torch
d) pungent smell of mercaptans present in gthe gas

18. “Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology” has been
a) authored by Kirk Othmer 
b)edited by Perry and Chilton 
c) edited by Kirk Othmer
d) authored by Perry and Chilton.

19.A spari ignition petrol engine has
a) throttle valve 
b) carburettor 
c)both (a) & (b) 
d) neither (a) nor (b)

20. Nickel is a .........................material
b) semi-conductor 
c) paramagnetic 
d) ferroelectric

21. Main constituent of bone ash is
a) ammonium phosphate 
b) calcium phosphate 
c) animal charcoal 
d) ammonium sulphate

22.`Source of heat supply in a cupola is
a) coke 
c) Lumpy coal 
d) pulverised coal

23. Tin plated iron and galvanised iron are generally produced by
a) vaporising 
b) hot dipping 
c) electroplating 

24.Heat required to raise the temperature of a body by 1°C is called its
a) heat capacity 
b) specific heat capacity 
c)thermal conductivity 
d) water equivalent

25.Fire on fuel oil lines can be extinguished by
d) carbon dioxide

26.A colloidal system, in which a liquid is dispersed in gas is called a/an
a) gel 
b) aerosol 
d) emulsion

27.Toughness of a material is measured by the
a)Vicke’s hardness test
b) scratch test
c) universal testing machine
d) notched bar test

28. Gravity settling process is not involved in the working of a
b) classifier 
c) dorr-thickener 
d) sedimentation tank

29.Molasses is the starting material for the production of
b)essential oil 
c) fatty acids 

30. The enzyme which converts starch into the disacharides maltose is
c)l yeast 
d) none of these

31. Washing of coal is done to
a) remove the inherent impurities
b) removel the adhering impurities
c) reducel the ash content
d) both (b) & (c)

32. Coke oven gas consists mainly of
(a)H2 &CH4 
b) CO & CO2 
(c) H2,& CO 
d) CH4 & CO

33.Poly tetrafloure ethylene (P.T.F.E) is known as
b) teflon 
c) celluloid 

34. Molecular weights of polymers are in the range of
a) 102-103 
b) 105-109 

35.Sour crude means the..............bearing crude
b)sulphur compounds 
d) nitrogen compounds

36.The proper arrangement of the petroleum fractions in order of their boiling points is
a) lubricating oil > diesel > Petrol > LPG
b) lubricating oil > Petrol > diesel > LPG
c) petrol > lubricating oil > diesel > LPG
d) petrol > diesel > LPG > lubricating oil

37. Natural convection is characterised by
a) Grashhoff number 
b) Peclet Number 
c)Reynolds number 
d) Prandtl number

38.Pecletl number (Pe) is given by
a) Pe=Re.Pr 
b) Pe=Re/Pr 
c) Pe=Pr/Re 
d) Pe=Nu.Re

39. What is the emissivity of a black body
b) 0 
c) 0.90 

40. What is the absorptivity of a black body?
a) 1 
b) 0 
c) 0.78 
d) 0.95
