FCI Question-Paper

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                                       FCI Assistant Gr. II Question Paper


Directions (1-9) : In each of In each of the,following iuestions, choose the correct alternative from the following questioins-, select therelated word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

1. Student : Book :: Postman : ?
(1) Delivery 
(2) Bicycle
(3) Uniform 
(4) Mail

2. Illiteracy :Education::Drought:?
(1) Well 
(2) Rain
(3) Dam 
(4) River

3. Carpenter : Furniture :: ?
(1) Book : Author
(2) Magazine : Editor
(3) Cook : Soup
(4) Dam : Engineer

(1) RIH 
(2) SHG
(3) RIG 
(4) RHG

5. JTIS : HRGQ :: FPEO : ?
(1) DNCM 
(2) DCNQ
(3) CNDM 

6. BAD : CBE :: ? : IVSU
(3)' '-MT 
(4) HURT

7. 5:30::8:?
(1) 14 

8. 12:30::2Q:?

9.3:28::5 ?
(1) 179 
(2) 126
(3) 124 
(4) 125

Directions (10-17) : it each of the following questionz, select the one which Is. different from the other three responses. 

10. (1) Cement 
(2) Glue
(3) Gum 
(4) Lock

11. (1) Btograpby
(2) Phoicg aphy
(3) Lithography
(4) Xe; cgraphy

12. (1) Petrol - Car 
(2) Coal - Engine, 
(3) Smoke- Fire 

13. (1)23 
(3) 19 
(4) 17

14. (1) 6121 
(3) 1036 
(4) 2110

15. (1) 21 - 98 
(4) 21-= 126

16. (1) EBD 
(2) (H.'
(3) QNO 
(4) YVX

17. (1) BQCR 
(2) DIET
(3) FUGV 
(4) HW

18.If Ram's house is located to the south of Krishna's house and Govindda.'s Ilousa: is to the east of Krishna'o house, in what direction is Ram's house situated .With respect to tiovinda's house ?
(1) North-East
(2) North-West
(3) South-East
(4) South-West

19. It the following are arranged accords tp English Dictionary. which will be on third place ?
(1) KNOW
(3) KNIT 
(4) KNOB

20. Which one set of leMrs when sequentially placed t the gaps iin the given letter4lle!'ies shall complete it ?
bcc - aabc -b*Ab
(1) acbc 
(2) abac
(3) abet 
(4) aeae

21. ACE, BDF, CEG,?
(1) CFD 
(2) DFH
(3) DEM 
(4) HED

(1) SHTG 
(2) GXHW
(3) G'I'HS 
(4) STHO

23. 33. 48, 65, 84.2. 2
(1) 105,128 
(2) 99.110
(3) 101, 118 
(4) 105.126

24. 2,10,26.50,2
(1) 74 
(3) 78 
(4) 82

25. Find the wrong number in the given number series:
2, 10. 30, 68; 120, 222
(1) 68 
(2) 120

26. Savitha introduced a 'boy as the son of the only daughter of the father of her maternal uncle. How is boy related to Savitha ? 
(1) Brother 
(2) Son
(3) Nephew 
(4) Son-in-law

27. A father is three times as old his son. Eight years ago, the father was five times as old as his son. What'is the presentage of the son ?
(1) 12 years 
(2) 14 years
(3) 16 years 
(4) 20 years

28. From following alternatives select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word:
(1) PART 
(4) TAME

29. From the following alternatives select the word which can be formed using the letters of the given word : 

30. If E = 5 and TEA = 26 then TEACHER = ?
(4) 57

31. In certain code COMPUTER is written as OCPMTURE. In that code which alternative will be written as OHKCYE ?

32. X stands for +. 2 stands for +, Y stands for -, and P stands for x, then what is the value of 1OP2X5Y5?
(1) 10 
(2) 15

33. Some equations are solved on the basis of a certain system. Find out the correct answer for the unsolved equation on that basis. If3+5=5.4+7=8,8+7=6 then, what should 9 + 6 be ?
(1) 4 
(2) 9
(3) 5 
(4) 6

34. Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to replace signs and to balance the given equation :
(1) r+1- 
(2) ++=
(3) - x + 
(4) - = x

35. A and B start walking from the same point. A goes north and covers 3 km, then turns right and covers 4 kms. B goess west and covers 5 kms. then turns right and covers 3 kms. How far apart are they from each other ?
(1) 10 km 
(3) 8 km 
(4) 5 km
