Civil-Services-IAS-UPSC Question-Paper

|   491

                                    Civil Services Preliminary Exam Paper


1. What are Tektites ?
(a) Glassy meteorites 
(b) Sedimentary rocks
(c) Igneous rocks
(d) Tectonically deformed rocks

2. Which'one of the following pairs makes the bulk composition of the sun ?
(a) Hydrogen and hydrogen
(b) Hydrogen and helium
(c) Hydrogen and argon
(d) Helium and argon

3. Which one of the following minerals can be used for determining the age of the Vindhyan sandstone ?
(a) Pitch blende
(b) Monazite
(c) Glauconite
(d) Ilmenite

4. Which one of the following is related to the development of rugged topography of midoceanic ridges ?
(a) Fast spreading rate
(b) Intermediate spreading rate
(c) Slow spreading rate
(d) Uncertain spreading rate

5. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of events in the Wilsonian cycle ?
(a) Breakup of continents - Seafloor spreading - Subduction collision 
(b) Seafloor spreading - Breakup of continents - Subduction collision 
(c) Breakup of continents - Subduction collision - Seafloor spreading
(d) Subduction collision - Seafloor spreading - Breakup of continents

6. Who proposed that the convection currents in asthenosphere cause the lithospheric plate movement?
(a) Arthur Holmes
(b) Tuzo Wilson
(c) M. P. Billings
(d) D. N. Wadia

7. What is the flow pattern of a river - system that resembles the tree branches ?
(a) Trellis pattern
(b) Dendritic pattern
(c)Radial pattern
(d)Rectangular pattern

8. Which of the following types of rivers receive their discharge from the ground-water of the area ?
(a) Effluent rivers
(b) Intermittent rivers
(c) Perennial rivers
(d) Influent rivers

9. Which of the following agents form Roches moutonees ?
(a) Wind
(b) River
(c) Sea
(d) Glacier

10. Which one of the following processes results in development of an oasis ?
(a) By the filling in of a depression by water
(b) By - the meteoric fall causing a depression on the ground
(c) By wind erosion down to water level in a desert
(d) When an advancing glacier terminates

11. Which one of the following is a primary structure ?
(a) Joint plane
(b) Fault plane
(c) Bedding plane
(d) Cleavage plane

12. A set of horizontal beds overlie another set of horizontal beds separated by an irregular unconformity surface. What is the type of unconformity ?
(a) Non-conformity
(b) Paraconformity
(c) Angular unconformity
(d) Disconformity

13. Which one of the following folds is characterized by a constant orthogonal thickness in all the parts of the fold ?
(a) Similar fold
(b) Parallel fold
(c) Flow fold
(d) Shear fold

14. Which one of the following term describes the joints that are perpendicular to the regional fold axis ?
(a)Cross joints
(b) Columnar joints
(c) Hybrid joints
(d)Shear joints

15. Which one of the following represents a curved fault plane that dips gently in depth and becomes steeper nearer to the surface ?
(a) Rotational fault
(b) Reverse fault
(c) Listric fault
(d) Hinge fault

16. Which one of the following is correct while taking bearing of an object with a clinometer compass ?
(a) Pointing N end of the magnetic needle towards the object 
(b) Pointing N marked by the crown on the dial of the compass towards the object
(c) Pointing S end of the needle towards the object
(d) Pointing E or W marked on the dial towards the object

17. The stereographic projection of poles to bedding surfaces is found to lie on a common great circle. Which one of the following is the correct interpretation of .the structure ?
(a)Non-cylindrical folding
(b)Cylindrical folding
(c)Conical folding
(d)Isoclinal folding

18. Which of the following ions occupy the octahedral sites in spinel ?
(a) Monovalent ion
(b) Bivalent ion
(c) Trivalent ion
(d) Tetravalent ion

19. Which of the following symmetry elements characterize pyrite crystal ?
(a) One six fold axis
(b) Two four fold axes
(c) Three two fold axes
(d) Four two fold axes

20. Which of the following crystals have basal pinnacoid as a form ?
1. Rutile
2. Idocrase
3. Zircon
4. Apophyllite
Select the correct answer from the code given below :
(a) I and 2 only
(b) 2 and 4 only
(c) 3 and 4 only
(d) 2, 3 and 4

21. Which of the following form is characterized by three or more nonparallel faces intersecting at a common point ?
(a) Prism
(b) Pinnacoid
(c) Pyramid
(d) Spheroid

22. Which one of the following minerals shows strong pleochroism ?
(a) Quartz
(b) Muscovite
(c) Orthoclase
(d) Hornblende

23. Which of the following types of extinction will be exhibited by the basal section of a monoclinic mineral under microscope ?
(a) Straight
(b) Parallel
(c) Symmetrical
(d) Undulatory

24. Which- one of the following minerals shows parallel extinction ? 
(a) Augite
(b) Hypersthene
(c) Diopside
(d) Hornblende

25. Which one of the following has highest refractive index ?
(a) Sodalite
(b) Fluorite
(c) Leucite
(d) Pyrope

26. The isogyres would show which of the following position in case of large 2 V ?
(a)Highly curved
(b)At right angles to each other
(c)Touching each other
(d)Virtually straight

27. In which of the following situation a biaxial mineral is positive ?
(a)X is acute bisectrix
(b)Y is acute bisectrix
(c)Z is acute bisectrix
(d)Z is obtuse bisectrix

28. Which mineral occurs in small, hexagonal, colourless to white, plate-like crystals found in cavities of volcanic rocks ?
(a) Opal
(b) Chalcedony
(c) Tridymite
(d) Cristobalite

29. Which garnet contains Chromium ?
(a) Grossularite
(b) Pyrope
(c) Uvarovite
(d) Almandite

30. Which of the following mica mineral contains appreciable amounts of Li content ?
(a) Biotite
(b) Paragonite
(c) Muscovite
(d) Lepidoiite

31. What is the correct term. to denote the separate Si04 groups, in which the tetrahedral are not linked directly to each other but are bound together by intervening cations ?
(a) Nesosilicates
(b) Sorosilicates
(c) Cyclosilicates
(d) Inosilicates

32. Which one of the following is not a phosphate mineral ?
(a) Francolite
(b) Dahilite
(c) Collophane
(d) Phosphorite

33. Thorium, extracted from monazite, belongs to which one of the following groups ?
(a) Oxide
(b) Silicate
(c) Phosphate
(d) Carbonate

34. Which one of the following is the main Alumina ore mineral in East coast Bauxite deposit ?
(a) Diaspore
(b) Gibbsite
(c) Boehmite
(d) Altered sillimanite

35. Which types of rocks contain the Graphite deposits of Kalahandi, the Garnet deposits of Rajasthan and the Kyanite deposits of Singhbhum ? 
(a) Igneous rocks
(b) Sedimentary rocks
(c) Metamorphic rocks
(d) Both Igneous and Sedimentary rocks
