NIMHANS Question-Paper |   34534

NIMHANS Question-Paper

                                                         Nimhans PG Paper

1. Increased perinatal morbidity is due to
a. Birth trauma
b. Congenital birth defects
c. Infections
d. HIV

2. DNA double during which stage of cell cycle.
a. G1
b. G2
c. M
d. S

3. Which is the antagonist for diazepam
a. Flumazenil
b. Flupenthixol
c. Fluperazine
d. Fluoxetine

4. A female housewife washes her hands ritualistically five times so that she wont be infected by HIV before every meal. She has
a. OCD
b. p. schizophrenia
c. lack of knowledge of transmission of HIV
d. histrionic personality disorder

5. which cell identifies self from non-self antigens
a. t-cell
b. b-cell
c. macrophage
d. eosinophils

6. what is not a feature in Brown sequard syndrome
a. contra lateral pain and temperature loss below the lesion
b. ipsilateral pain and temperature loss below the lesion
c. anesthesia in the dermatome at the site of the lesion
d. ipsilateral joint and vibration sensory loss below the lesion

7. m/c association with Arnold Chiari malformation
a. cauda equina syndrome
b. Brown Sequard syndrome
d. Syringomyelia

8. Proptosis is seen in
a. Downs syndrome
b. Turners syndrome
c. Crouzon syndrome
d. Kline Levine syndrome

9. m/c vertebra involved in rheumatoid arthritis
a. sacral
b. lumbar
c. thoracic
d. cervical

10. m/c site for cerebral embolism from atherosclerosis
a. ECA
b. At the origin of ICA from common carotid artery
c. Subclavian artery
d. Inomminate artery

11. A patient after a motorcycle accident is breathless with pulse rate 120/min, muffled heart sounds and feeble pulse. The diagnosis is
a. Cardiac tamponade
b. Pulmonary embolism
c. Tension pnumothorax
d. Pericarditis

12. Water bottle heart is seen in x-ray of
a. Truncus arteriosus
b. TOF
c. TGA
d. Pericardial effusion

13. Firm warty vegetations along the lines of closure of valves is characteristic in
a. Infective endocarditis
b. Libman sachs endocarditis
c. Fungal endocarditis

14. m/c pancreatic Ca is
a. VIPoma
b. Glucogonoma
c. Metastasis
d. Ductal adenocarcinoma

15. Acute pancreatitis is caused by
a. Hyperthyroidism
b. Hypothyroidism
c. Hyperparathyroidism
d. Hypoparathyroidism

16. Which structure is not cut in grid iron incision
a. Skin
b. External oblique muscle
c. Transversalis fascia
d. Rectus abdominis

17. Laparoscopy is absolutely contraindicated in
a. Mild to moderate dyspnoea
b. Pregnancy
c. Appendicitis
d. Infected gall bladder

18. Bacteremia is seen in infection of
a. E coli
b. Shigella
c. Klebsiella
d. Salmonella

19. Large anion gap is not seen in
a. Lactic acidosis
b. Diabetic ketoacidosis
c. Distal RTA
d. Ethanol poisoning

20. Which nerve is a direct branch of roots forming the brachial plexus
a. Nerve to rhomboideus
b. Long thoracic nerve
c. Subscapular nerve
d. Radial nerve

21. Late manifestation of congenital toxoplasmosis are a/e
a. Choreoretinitis
b. Mental retardation
c. Hydrocephalus
d. Hepato spleno megaly

22. Consecutive optic atrophy occurs in
a. Optic neuritis
b. Methanol poisoning
c. Retinitis pigmentosa
d. Leber’s optic neuritis

23. 5HT3 agonist is
a. Ondansetron
b. Cisapride
c. Metoclopramide
d. Clozapine

24. Which is the most common complication seen in patients with bladder catheterization during the second week
a. Infection
b. Stone formation
c. Rupture of urethra
d. Hematuria

25. Casals necklace is characteristic in
a. Vit D
b. Vit A
c. Vit B6
d. Pellagra

26. DM is aggravated due to
a. Niacin
b. Thiamine
c. Riboflavine
d. Biotin

27. HMG Co-A reductase inhibitor is given in
a. Type II DM at 60 years
b. Hypertension
c. Pancreatitis
d. Insulinoma

28. Which is the agent used for prevention of ischaemic stroke
a. Aspirin alone
b. Ticlopidine
c. Clopidogrel
d. Aspirin and clopidogrel

29. A patient presents with dilated tortuous veins of the lower limb and on venous Doppler there is back flow of blood. All are advised expect
a. Glove stocking
b. Aspirin
c. Mesh in IVC
d. Surgical intervention

30. all are used as criteria to determine in brain dead individual except
a. corneal reflex
b. light reflex
c. cessation of breathing
d. deep tendon reflex

31. which enzyme is diagnostic of alcoholic liver disease
a. ALP
b. GGT
c. LDH

32. Which is the gold standard for diagnosis of GERD
a. Barium swallow
b. Oesophagoscopy
c. 24 hr pH monitoring
d. CT abdomen

33. All are precancerous conditions except
a. Villous adenoma
b. Tubular adenoma
c. Familial polyposis
d. Ulcerative colitis

34. Which enzyme is increased in lead poisoning?
a. Delta ALA
b. Coproporphyrinogen 3
c. Heme
d. Protoporphyrin

35. Which is a atypical antipsychotic
a. Loxapine
b. CPZ
c. Zuclopenthixol
d. Risperidone

36. Pramipexole is
a. D2 agonist
b. D2 antagonist
c. Ach agoist
d. Anti choline esterase

37. Which is the definitive host for tinea solium
a. Dog
b. Sheep
c. Pig
d. Man

38. AFP levels increased upto 500 iu/ml in
a. Hepatocellular carcinoma
b. Testicular cancer
c. Cholangio carcinoma
d. Pancreatic cancer

39. Which is not a protein peptide or a.a
a. Substance p
b. Endorphins
c. Dynorphins
d. Serotonin

40. Unconjugated bilirubinimea is seen in a/e
a. Criggler najjar syndrome
b. Gilberts syndrome
c. Dubin johnson’s syndrome
d. Budd chiari syndrome

41. 0.45% NaCl is used in
a. Cerebral salt wasting
b. Hyperkelemia
c. Hyponatremnia
d. Adipsic hypernatremia

42. Impaired naming, intact comprehension and repetition is seen in
a. Wernickes aphasia
b. Transcortical sensory aphasia
c. Transcortical motor aphasia
d. Brocas aphasia

43. Site of action of loop diuretics
a. PCT
b. DCT
c. Ascending Loop of Henle
d. Loop of Henle

44. Not a NRTI
a. Zidovudine
b. Nevirapine
c. Stauvidine
d. Lamivudine

45. m/c fungal infection is seen in aids
a. candida
b. blastomycosis
c. Cryptococcus
d. Mucormycosis

46. Delta waves in ECG is seen in
a. Hypothermia
b. Wpw syndrome
c. Hypokelemia
d. Dysarrhythmia

47. Acute changes in ECG in hyperkelemia
a. U waves
b. Prolongation of QT interval
c. QRS widening
d. ST segment elevation

48. Which of the following is a exotoxin
a. E coli toxin
b. Proteus
c. Pseudomonas
d. Tetanus toxin

49. Which is the m/c cause of stroke
a. DM
b. Myocardial infarction
c. Rhd
d. Non rheumatic atrial fibrillation

50. Urinary stones which are hexagonal in shape
a. Cysteine
b. Urate
c. Calcium oxalate
d. Triple phosphate
