NHB aptitude and reasoning |   5816

NHB aptitude and reasoning

National Housing Bank NHB aptitude and reasoningmodel questions for practice,NHB practice questions for all bank examinations



Directions (Q.  1-5)  In a certain code the symbol for 0 (zero) is • and that for 1 is *. There are no other symbols for numbers and all numbers greater than 1 are written using these two symbols only, the value of the symbol for 1 doubling itself every time it shifts one place to the left. Thus
0 is written •
1 is written *
2 is written * •
3 is written * *
4 is written *•• and so on

1.  If *** is multiplied by **, the product will be
(1) * • * • * (Ans)                          (2) * * • • *
(3) * • • * *                                    (4) • * * * *
(5) * • • • *

2.  Which of the following will represent 20% of 45 in that code ?
(1) * * * *                          (2) * * *
(3) * • • * (Ans)                                         (4) * * • * 
(5) * * * •

3.  Which of the following stands for 7 in that code ?
(1) * * * * * * *                                (2) * • * • * • *
(3) * * •                                         (4) * • • * 
(5) * * * (Ans)

4.  If * * • is added to * • * *, the sum will be 
(1) * * * * *                                    (2) * • • • * (Ans)
(3) * * • • *                                    (4) * • • * *
(5) * * * • *

  5. Which of the following numbers is written as * •* • in that code?
(1)  8080                          (2)  202
(3)  42                              (4)  10  (Ans)
(5)   9

6. Four of the following five are alike in certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
(1)  Jasmine                     (2)   Rose
(3)  Dahlia                        (4)   Marigold
(5)  Lotus  (Ans)

7.  ‘Jackal’ is related to ‘Carnivorous’ in the same way as ‘Goat is related to
(1)  Omnivorous                (2)   Carnivorous
(3)  Herbivorous (Ans)       (4)   Multivorous
(5)  None of these

8.  If blue is called red, red is called green ,green is called black and black is called white, what is he colour of grass ?
(1)   red                            (2)   black (Ans)
(3)   white             (4)   green
(5)  None of these

9. In a certain code RAID is written as  %  # * $, RIPE is written as  % * @ ©. How is DEAR  written in
the code

(1)   @©#%                      (2)   $@#%  
(3)    @$#%                     (4)   $
©#% (Ans)
(5)    None of these

10. ‘Radish’ is related to ‘Root’ in the same way as ‘Brinjal’ is related to
(1)   Fruit  (Ans)                (2)   Stem
(3)   Flower                       (4)   Root
(5)   None of these

 Directions  (Q.  11-15)  Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and  II are given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and

Give answer (1) if the data in Statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.

Give answer (2) if the data in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.

Give answer (3) if the data either in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.

Give answer (4) if the data even in both the Statements I and II are not sufficient to answer the question.

Give answer (5) if the data in both the Statements I and Ii together are necessary to answer the question.

11.  How many children are there in the group?

 I.  Sangita has scored more marks than 12 children in the group.

II.  Reena has scored less than Sangita.
(Ans.  (4)  Both the statements are not sufficient to give answer.)

12. What is the value of 36$4*8 ?

 I.  P$Q  means divide  P by Q.
II.  A*B  means multiply A by B.
(Ans. (5) From statements I and II,)

13. What is Samir’s rank form the top in the class of 30 students?

 I.    Sudhir, who is four ranks above Samir, is fifteenth in rank from the bottom.
II.    Samir is three ranks below Neeta who is eighteenth form the bottom.
(Ans. (3) From statements I,)

14.  Who among  L, N, F, G and  Q was the first to reach the college ?

 I.   F reached  before L and G but not before Q who was not the first to reach.
II.   N reached before F and G and L reached after F.
 (Ans. (1) From statements I,)

15.In the code language what is the code for ‘fat’ ?

 I.   In the code language ‘she is fat’ is written as ‘he ra ca.’
II.   In the same code language ‘fat boy’ is written as ‘ra ka’.
(Ans. (5) From statements I,)
