Nalco Candidate-Experiences |   3699

Nalco Candidate-Experiences

                                              Nalco Candidate Experience

Hi Friends, I appeared in the test of Nalco there are two part first general aptitude and one technical both contain 60-60 Questions.
Time for both 2:30 hours

First part contain some questions

1. What is the currency of china

a. yuan    b. dollar       c. euro

2. What is minimum gap between tow session of parliament.
a. 3 month  b. 6 month     c. 12 month    d non of these

3. Who got the Rajiv Gandhi khel rattan 2010
a. abhinav bindra   b. seina nehwal   c. vishawa Nathan 

Choose the synonyms of the following.



Find the next terms of the series 

8. 5,17,37,65,…..,145
a. 95      b.  101   c.  107 ………… 

9. 5,1.5,4.5,13.5……………
a. 40.5  ans

10. 3,11,19,35,51,75……..
a. 91 ans

11. p man can do a work in the day. In how many day np man do this work and times
a. tm/n ans

They  given on passage with 5 Questions
One  data interpretation with 3 Questions

Ten Questions from data sufficiency like is  two consecutive no. p>q
1. p+q=odd              2. p.q=even


Second part is technical in they give very simple Questions


1 Full form of MIUs
a. Million instructions per unit ans

2. ~ ~A
a. A       b. ~A        c. 0        d. 1


3. ~A(A+1)
a.0        b .A            c. ~A         d. ……


4. (A+B)`
a. A`.B`ans

5. Which of the following language platform independent
a. java ans


6. Which is the typical error 
a. syntax error      b. semantic error    c. run time error


7. Cache memory is which type of memory?


8. Magnetic Flux is measured by which meter?

Ans Fluxmeter


9. If diagonal of square is increased by 30% then how many % increases in area?


10. Which country is allow for wolf hunting after 45 years ban?



11. Ellero is temple of

Ans Buddist, Hindu, jain


Technical Questions for Electrical dicipline


1.Turboalternator is having

Ans larger diameter and small axial length


2. Air gap in induction motor


3. Fuse is which type of device

Ans Protective device


4. Circuit breaker is

Ans Current Iterupting device


5. Sag is provided in transmission line


6. Service main is

Ans secondary distribution


7. Dc motor

Ans convert electrical energy in mechnical energy


8. Current in armature of Dc motor

Ans AC


9. Pointer of potientiometer is made up of

Ans silver


10. Relative permeability of metals rages from

Ans 1-10


11. Relative permeability leeser than 1

Ans diamagnetic material


12. Material which never get saturate

13. Yoke is made up of

14. Core is made up of

15. Thermal efficiency of steam power plant

16. Effeciency of primary cell

17. If rating of 1 phase induction motor is same as 3 phase induction motor then size is 3 phase induction motor

18. Distidution supplys how many voltage

19. If reactive power get increase than P.F

20. If lagging reactive power get increase than P.F

21 In house connection are in parallel because

22 Dc motor generally have which typof load


All the question are from basic knowledge. I think cutoff will goes very high.


