Nagarro Candidate-Experiences |   14672

Nagarro Candidate-Experiences

Nagarro Placement Paper - Interview Experience 

I wanna share my experience of my Nagarro drive experience dated 27/08/2014.Hope it will be useful.


1) Aptitude :  60min

2)Technical:  75min



1)Write a function void print MATCHFormatString(string sentence1,string sentence2){}

   Sentence 1: How are you david?

   Sentence 2: David you may ea.

   Now you have to remove '.','?',' ','!' from both sentences and print out the matching substring in both         sentences 

2) Write A Function Such That String

     INPUT: s="[abc]"

     a)  OUTPUT:TRUE s="{abc}"

     b)  OUTPUT:TRUE s="[{abc]"

     c)  OUTPUT:False s="[(abc])"

     d)  OUTPUT:False

Hence you have to construct a function that makes pair of round brackets,square brackets,curly brackets.Here closing of bracket must be in same order.


3) int arr[]={2,2,2,3,3,5,6,7,8}Sorted Array Was Given You Have To construct

  Function int[] RemoveDuplicate(int [] );

 such that arr[] becomes {2,3,5,6,7,8}



Trignometry questions were pretty simple and geometry mostly circles were quiet tough.Do Cycle Theorems,Geometry,Time work,Inlet outlet pipes rate of flow,Profit-Loss-Discount,Succesive Percentage questions, Average Question For e.g

  1)For 15 Numbers is 18 and sum of first eight numbers is 17 and sum of last eight numbers is 19 somewhat like this

 2)And For Profit Loss: If P% Increase Profit in first year and P% decrease Profit in second year then at last product available at RS1. Original Price?:

SOL:NetProfit=p%-p% -pXp/100=p2/100=>original+original*Net_Profit=RS 1 =>Original=10000/10000-p2; 

 3)Total Surface area of Cube=Total Surface of Sphere Now Find Ratio Of the volume of cube and volume of sphere.  

 4).Four Horses are tied at the corner of square field of length 14m and these horse are capable of touching each other. They gazed whole grass in 11 days. How many Days they would take to gaze rest of grass.

5)Do Cycle Theorems,Bow therom tangent Properties Alternate Segment Theorem Chord Properties Diameter Properties etc related to cycle almost 4/20 questions


Overall Increase your Speed for Quantitative Most Importantly Do Analytical reasoning first,it was damn easy but unluckily,i spent most of the time on quantitative and donot repeat this mistake Do section 2nd i.e Analytical Reasoning First And Increase Your Speed For Quantitative


All the best :)

