Mu-Sigma Interview Experience |   12196

Mu-Sigma Interview Experience

                                           Mu-Sigma Interview Experience


Hai  Friends ,I am Ashik.I attended Mu Sigma campus drive. Here I would like to share my experience.

MuSigma conducts a written test comprises of 15 questions of aptitude and 5 questions from C language. Time allowed is 25 mins for Apti. and 10 mins for C. Aptitude comprised both of mathematics and critical reasoning. Most of the C lang. questions were based on basic concepts we’ve studied in the first year.

Out of the 340 who appeared for the written, 140 were shortlisted for the GDs. Before the GDs began, we sat for their official presentation. It was then that I finally understood what the company did. In Data Analytics or the field of Decision Sciences, you need to identify the client’s problem and give valuable insights to solve that after using data available to you.

For the GDs, we were divided into groups of 10 each. What was interesting about the GDs was that we were given a motion – half for, half against the topic – and in the middle of the GD, we were asked to switch. This tested not only our ability as good listeners to the opposition but also as people who can accomodate different points of view. In the end, each of us was given a chance to conclude. I opened the GD, and it is an opportunity one should not lose as it gets you immediate attention of the moderator and your team-mates. The topics across all the groups were general, something all of us can have an opinion on – Happiness vs. Wealth, Legalisation of Gay Marriages, Foreign Direct Investment, Love or Arranged Marriage, Internet Should be Banned?, Honour Killing, Facebook etc.

The next round was the round that intrigued me the most, right from the time I had seen the name ‘Video Synthesis’ in their selection process. 54 students made it till here. They show you a 3-5 min. clip and you’re supposed to write what you conclude from seeing it, what the clip stands for rather than what happens in it; their standing instructions are: ‘Synthesise it, don’t summarize it’. You are given 10 minutes to write the main points on a placard after seeing the video. I was confident that I could do it but it felt new and slightly unsettling to me.

The interviews took long, really long. There were 27 students who’d made it till here and everything takes time. Even so, I’d hoped I’d be free by lunch. Hoped. It was past dinnertime when I was called in. Another very good thing about their interview process is that if you’re selected, you are told right after the interview. Lends an unparalleled charm to the whole thing. There are 2 rounds of interviews actually – Technical followed by HR. They can either be taken together, or else you are asked to come back for the HR. Some of us were told that they were put on hold, meaning a final decision regarding them wasn’t taken. Either way, there’s some feedback right after your interview.

In the technical round, they give you math puzzles to solve. Most of them can be found on the internet. They repeated many puzzles with different candidates, and by the time my turn came, I knew the solutions to all the puzzles that had been asked before me. And the same ones were asked to me as well.

The HR interview was the real test. The man who interviewed me had a face meant to strike the fear of authority in your heart. He hardly smiled, had a deep booming voice and just the right amount of grey on his head to make him look smart and invincible. As had been the case with many others, I was asked to begin with telling them about myself. I steered the description to what I liked to do, so that he could question me on that. He asked me questions like: ‘ Where do you see yourself in three years?’, ‘How are you under stress?’, ‘How would you handle a client who yells at you?’, ‘Why do you want to join MuSigma?’. A very interesting activity was when he asked me to pick one of their core values (like excellece, openness, customer satisfaction etc.) and I had to tell them why I thought that value was most important. I picked Intellectualism and though my interpretation of it was different from theirs, he seemed satisfied with how I explained it to him.

Right after the interview, I was told that I was selected. That moment of knowing makes you inexplicably happy.
