MRF Candidate-Experiences |   11501

MRF Candidate-Experiences

MRF Placement procedure shared by sunil  from chennai. MRF placement paper questions answers MRF recruitment procedure

Hi friends Iam attending MRF recruitment It was very difficult to me

MRF First section was written test

Technical written test and aptitude written test 

In technical written test around 30 questions in 30 minutes

aptitude was 25 questions 30 minutes IQ test

Second section was MRF Group Disccussion

MRF Personality profiling round:
In this round they provide us sheet containing 30 questions that reveal our personality. It is not a right/wrong question. You simply have to agree /strongly agree/disagree/strongly disagree. The questions were like this
· Will you have fun during work time
· Are you a tempered person
They asked us to give us the truth since there is no right/wrong. It was interesting.

MRF Technical and HR round -Questions about project, family,aims
what do you know about MRF,Logo etc 

Finally only 24 students were selected Thank you guys this was the short summery of mrf recruitment

