Mphasis Interview-HR Interview |   16770

Mphasis Interview-HR Interview

Mpahsis pool campus recruitment consists 4 section
Mpahsis written test
The first round was the online aptitude test. It consisted of 4 sections.

English: 25Questions, 25 Minutes
Quantitative: 25 Questions, 35 Minutes
Computer Basics: 25Questions, 35 Minutes
Logical Reasoning: 25 Questions, 35 Minutes
There was also a Personal section which we were asked to skip. The online test was good. I liked the appearance, interface etc. It was simple . Test was managed by Aspiring Minds. There was a timer running at the top which helped me a lot. I alloted one min for a question.But i couldn’t maintain it always. While answering a question, if the timer crossed one minute, i selected either “C” or “B”  as the answer(with lots of prayers ).
Most of the questions were from R S Agarwal. Many direct questions(Some Verbal questions which came were those which we discussed from train). Questions were not that difficult. After completing each section, one min break was given before starting the next section. The Computer Basics section was easy for me, but those were not just the basics. It included practical questions related to arrays, different parameter passing methods, different sorting techniques, searching techniques, tree traversal etc. Even though i didn’t have a clear idea of all these, attempted all in the light of some old(vague) knowledge. For the quantitative one, questions were asked from Logarithms, Work & time, Distance & time, Problems on Ages, Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Trains, Alligation or Mixture, Permutation Combination, Probability etc (almost all from agarwal). The reasoning section included Series Completion, Coding Decoding, Blood relation, Puzzle, Direction Sense, Venn Diagrams, Data Sufficiency, Statement assumptions, Conclusions, Cubes, Comprehension passage(was a bit difficult) etc. Reasoning was a bit difficult when compared to other sections.
Test was for around 2 hours. The lab atmosphere was something strange but comfortable. After the test when i came out, i felt like i was out from a wonderland, a strange feeling. I was directed to the seminar hall where i met all my friends. We sat there and discussed many questions, cracked many jokes, had a wonderful time . We all were waiting for the result. I had a slight expectation, but my past experiences kept on telling me not to expect anything.
After a long wait, an Mphasis guy came and started calling out the names of students who were selected for the next round. I was very amazed to hear my name  . I couldn’t believe. I confirmed it with all my friends, and they told that it was me… Oh my God! I was really shocked.
The Mphasis guy shouted: “ All the selected students please come forward, move for the Group Discussion(GD)”. I was dressed in a shabby way. Quickly i managed to inside the shirt,’foo foo…tap tap tap’(cleaned shoes) and moved towards the GD hall. I could see students sitting in each class for GD. Funniest thing about GD is that, i have conducted GD but never participated in any. So it was my first experience. I saw an empty seat in a GD hall and occupied it. Had a quick chit chat with the nearby students in that GD group. One girl on my left and another girl on my right (still i remember their names).
The instructor came and gave us few instructions. He was such a kind fellow. His appearance reminded me of the great singer Hariharan (this fellow looked like a bald, white version of Hariharan). I was very much worried about the GD topic . What will be the topic?  Will i be able to speak few words for the GD? Will i pass the GD? I started getting tensed . Suddenly the instructor asked “Do you have any good topics with you? Anyone ? “. I was very happy to hear that from him. A guy stood up and said “Ragging”. Others started murmuring and Instructor asked : ”Anything else?”. It was a golden opportunity for me. I had a topic in mind for which i could speak well. I stood up and said “Social Networking” . Others started murmuring “Oh, this is a common topic…usual topic…”. I became upset on hearing this response. Suddenly the silent girl next to me said: “Mercy Killing!” . All of a sudden, students starting shouting “Social Networking! Social Networking!”  I was so happy to hear that.
Thus my topic was accepted and the GD started. I roughly said some two points. Rest of the time i utilised in supporting students who spoke in favour of social networks. Thus that GD went fine. At the end of the GD i was selected for the next round(Except the silent girl who sat next to me, all others were selected).
We were asked to wait in the Drawing hall. Next is the interview. I didn’t know whether its a technical interview or HR interview. I was not at all prepared, especially for a technical one. All of a sudden an Mphasis guy came and explained about the company and the job details. When he asked “ Any questions?”, students started asking the usual questions like: Is there any bond?, Is there any work shift?,what about relocation?,Salary on training period? etc. After few minutes we were asked to move for the interview.
I walked out of the drawing hall, one of the coordinator directed me to the interview hall and i was the first one to attend the interview. The interviewer was a tall person with a rough noise. I was a little tensed . He asked me for the resume and while looking at the resume he told: “Come on… Speak about yourself…” . I started speaking but somewhere i got stuck. He reminded: “Hey… Don’t worry… Just freak out man…”. Then i started speaking boldly… Don’t know where my fears and tensions ran away… In between he asked me few questions such as “Why do you want to join Mphasis?” “Are you ready to relocate?” etc etc. Answered everything positively. Actually the whole interview was around my answer for “Speak about yourself…”. Then he told me that “ You are shortlisted, you can attend the versatile test now.” I was then directed to the same drawing hall for the versatile test.
Versatile test was to check our communication skills, pronunciation etc.. We were given a paper which consisted of a Phone number, a token number, and instructions for the test. At the bottom of that paper i noticed certain words like Pearson Software, US accent etc. I dialed the phone number, they asked to dial the token number, and then the test started.
There were 12 sentences in the instruction paper given. I was asked to read those in the order they specified. I missed the first one, but spoke all the others in US accent . That was the first section. Next i was asked some funny questions like: “Where do you get water from? water bottle or newspaper?”.  Next section was to repeat some sentences that they spoke. It was easy, but slightly difficult to understand what they were speaking(thats the real US accent). The next section was a bit difficult, i had to listen to 3 stories and then tell them back. Atlast i was asked to speak about two topics for around 40 secs. Thus the versatile test finished. I heard students murmuring that versatile test is a critical one and the final result will be based on that. On hearing that i lost almost half of my hope. When i came out of the drawing hall what i saw was, the Mphasis guy giving instructions for students on how to attend the versatile test ! Oh my God! I missed it! Hope completely gone! What have i done? I should have waited for few minutes. Ah.. Everything is over… Past is past… Damn!  Then i left FISAT and reached room by 9:30pm.
Later I came to know that some of friends had two rounds of interview, i.e technical and HR, and they asked about project and some technical stuffs.
Regarding results, they told they will mail us. But for the next one week no such mail came . So i  thought i might have gone out in the versatile test.
On February 5th Saturday night, one of my friend phoned me and said: “Congratulations! Treat!” and when i asked for the reason, she asked me to check out KBCCP site as the Mphasis result was out. Varun was with me at that time. He shouted, “Yes yes! Your name is here… 52. Praveesh P” . I was so happy to see my name. I confirmed it for… may me more than ten times…. Followed by calls and messages from my dear ones.

I believe that it happened just because of God’s grace and sincere prayers of my dear ones. So what i learned is, Believe in God, do your karma and help others. Definitely your life will move to Success(may be you will have to wait till your time comes, till then keep trying, never loose hope at any instant). If i had not gone for the drive as i decided at first, this would not have happened. So keep trying, your day will come. Sure!