Mphasis Interview-HR Interview |   20085

Mphasis Interview-HR Interview

Hello friends,
I am sanjeev ranjan sharma n doin engineering from bangalore Institute of technology.bfore getting selected in Mphasis...i appeared in 4 company even i reached to hr & technical in almost every company...but i was not gettin selected as i was having 2yr gap b/w 12th & friends those who r having academic gap...need to worry a little bit ...but not fully as there is hope come to the procedure followed during d selection...

There is 4 round:

1)written test
2)GD(depends upon d no of candidate cleard d written)
3)tech round/hr  (may happen together)
4) voice processing(IVR test)

selection process started at 10 AM n written test was online of 2hr 30 min n it was taken by aspiring minds(AMCAT) n it was bit too long bt u can take break b/w each module...writen test consisted of 5 sections(sectional cutoff) :

5)personality test
There were 25 question n 35 min 4 dat...question will appear on d screen in a set of 3...once u hv submitted d answer u cannot make changes further so be careful while submitting d answers to d questions...friends i dont remember d questions bt it was consisting of.
1) log(4-5 Qn...based on general computation)
2) ratio n proportion
3) time n work
4) profit n loss(3-4 Qn)
5) problems on trains
There is no negative markings, so do attempt all d Qn try to get 50-60% answrs correct...dats u can attempt blindly most answer were option 'b'(as per my experience)questons were easy...R.S. agarwall is more than thing i can make sure that above mentioned types are sufficient to get through d written.
Most of d Question were from time complexity(ADA),basic c type like wht would be d o/p of following c code,there is error in code wht is d error...,Question on d Inheritance(C++)....u must go through time complexity concepts(VVI)..Eg:-

Qn:which of d following is efficient sorting algorithm.

1) Heap sort
2) Bubble sort
3) Selection sort
4) Quick sort
Qn: What is the time complexity of follwing C code

Qn: The following code consist of some error what is d error.


All the questions were easy..based on odd man out,missing numbers,there were 3 diagrams u hav to find wht is d next(3-4 Qn).if u hav time material dat is more than sufficient.just hav d basic concept as thre is sectional cutoff try to answrs more than 50% correctly...


Same as in other companies cosisted of antonym, synonym, comprehension etc.
Some words i remember are:
PERSONALITY SECTION: You have to answer 80 QN in 20 min. I think it just a formality but there should not be contradiction in ur answer as same question will be asked but there will be change in be careful....

In my college around 150-200 students appeard....only 11 were able to get through written be careful....luckily i was among them....
as there were only 11 students they decided not to take GD ...and techinal/HR also combined after written there only 2 rounds...1)TECH/HR  2)VOICEPROCESSING TEST
friends in technical ....u hav to be u knw HR start as u enters in room...d way u talk important i enterd in d room ..i greeted d HR/tech person ...
he asked me...
1)tell me abt urself?
...i told...
 be louder n clear...
2)he told me as u are from cs...r u confident of JAVA...i said NO(confidently)...c++..said Yes...c.. yes..(confidently) ..then he asked abt .NET...(if u dont know or not confident be open to say "not confident".but i knw d basic..i will try to answer...

3)he asked like sorting code n asked to explain every bit of u should knw d concept...
4)asked from recursion...asked to write some pgm code..n again u hav to explain everything u hav written...
5)write a pgm to swap two variable withought using third variable...
6)constructor, destructor....etc..

friends in technical...u only drive d technical person by using d technical word on which u r confident....Eg: if u r not confident in os never used tehnical word related to OS....

he asked abt my weakness n strength but u hav to justify all dat u hav used examples after strength..n wht u doin to overcome d weakness.....if u hav academic breaks...dont mention if he doesnt ask...

after dat u hav to go through IVR test.. dats a easy one if u are average in communication....but dont take it lightly...

Friends dats all i wanted to share  hope it can help you


Sanjeev Ranjan Sharma