Mizoram PSC Recruitment-Notification-Syllabus |   546

Mizoram PSC Recruitment-Notification-Syllabus

                                     Mizoram Civil Service Exam Syllabus

The Commission shall conduct Preliminary Examination, Main Examination and Personal Interview as shown below:

1) Preliminary Examination: (Objective Type) for selection of candidates for Main Examination.


The Preliminary Examination will consist of two papers :
Paper - I (200 marks) : Duration 2 (two) hrs
Paper - II (200 marks) : Duration 2 (two) hrs
Only those candidates who are declared by the Commission to have qualified in the Preliminary Examination will be eligible for admission to the Main Examination for that year.

2) Main Examination: (Written and Interview) for selection of candidates for various services and posts.


(i) The Main Examination shall comprise of written examination and personal interview.
The written examination will consist of four compulsory papers carrying 100 marks each and two optional subjects of two papers each as listed under regulation 10, and each Paper will carry 100 marks.


(ii) Personal Interview will carry 100 marks.


(iii) Written Examination for each paper will be of three hours duration.


(iv) The question papers for the examination will be of conventional essay type and will be set in English (for compulsory and optional subjects) and Mizo (for Mizo papers only).


(v) The Commission shall adopt the system of normalization of marks on the basis of the norms adopted by the Union Public Service Commission.


(vi) A candidate must write the answer papers in his own hand, and under no circumstances will he be allowed to take the help of a scribe to write the answer papers for him, except in case of a blind candidate.


(vii) Disabled candidates specially blind are allowed to engage scribe of his own expenses if neces sary.


(viii) Answer script of the candidates will not be evaluated who have not appeared any of the compulsory or optional papers.

Compulsory And Optional Subjects

A. Compulsory Subjects
(i) General English
(ii) General Essay
(iii) General Studies I
(iv) General Studies II

B. Optional Subjects : (Paper I & II)
(i) Agriculture
(ii) Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science.
(iii) Anthropology
(iv) Botany
(v) Chemistry
(vi) Civil Engineering
(vii) Commerce & Accountancy
(viii) Economics
(ix) Education
(x) Electrical Engineering
(xi) English
(xii) Forestry
(xiii) Geography
(xiv) Geology
(xv) History
(xvi) Home Science
(xvii) Law
(xviii) Management
(xix) Mathematics
(xx) Mechanical Engineering
(xxi) Medical Science
(xxii) Mizo Elective
(xxiii) Philosophy
(xxiv) Physics
(xxv) Political Science& International Relations
(xxvi) Psychology
(xxvii) Public Administration
(xxviii) Sociology
(xxix) Statistics
(xxx) Zoology
