MindTree-Placement Paper |   18077

MindTree-Placement Paper

                                                  Mindtree Interview Questions


Hello friends, my name is Anshul Shrivastava. I got placed in MindTree on 10 june 2010. I was first time MindTree Visited for Campus recruitment in MP. It was a pool campus and 13 colleges were there and a total of about 800 students. 88 students have cleared the first round that is written test. finally 34 students were selected and I was one of them...

the selection procedure of mindtree is as follows:
1- written test
2- gd
3- technical interview
4- hr interview
1- written test:
there were only two question in written test. first was to write an essay and second was to write a program. topic of essay was," how does computers have affected human life", and the program was a sort of calender program. two dates were given and we have to find number of days between these two dates.
2- gd:
gd round was quite easy and anybody having average english speaking skills can easily clear this round. the topic for me was, " tata nano: good or bad". keep one thing in mind, always speak either in favour or against, never switch from one side to other side.
3- Technical Interview:
Technical interview was also quite easy. be thoroughly prepared with your project.
* He asked me to explain my project and also said to write some queries then i said my favourite sub is c++ and oops .
* Then he asked me ques from there like encapsulation, data hiding, interitance and multiple inheritance, call by value and call by reference etc.
Always be confident in whatever u say. data structure is also important.
4- HR interview:
HR interview was little bit tricky but it was not a big hurdle. i am from bhopal so he asked me about bhopal like ....
* how many lakes are there?
* What is the name of biggest lake?
* Hhow can you estimate amount of water in that lake, etc.
* Then one ques was that if you have to kill someone in India or just elimate from our country who will be that person and why?
* Then he asked if you wanna be like someone in india who will be that person. and what about in world.
* Then my hobby was listening songs so he asked to tell name of any music director of 90s and songs of them, then he asked me to tell songs of my fvrt female singer. and so on...
for hr interview be cool and confident. there is very small probability of getting eliminated from hr round..
total 34 selection were there. only written test was a big hurdle, so if you cleared that 70% you are selected. cracking mindtree is very easy. just be cool and confident with a winning attitude. wishing you all the very best.. see u in MindTree..