Technical - Java |   15368

Technical - Java

 Technical questions

1.output of the following code:
   #define M 5+5
   void main()
  { printf(“%d”, M*M);
2.*p+ + increment p or what it points to? 
3.Find error with a given code:
4.syntax of free func. 
5.give output:
   void main()
   int x=0, y=1;
  (x || printf(“printing x\n”));
  (y|| printf(“printing y\n”));

6 write one major advantage & disadvantage of recursion.
7.what is hashing?
8. give output:
   int j=5;
   printf(“%d %d %d”, + +j, j, j+ +);
9.give output:

  int static i=5, j=10;
  int j=10; j=j+1;
  printf(“%d %d %d” j, j, j);
  printf(“%d”, i);

10. why printf(“%d”, ‘A’); will not return the value 1?

11. preorder and postorder traversal of a binary tree is given, construct the binary tree.

12. a binary tree is given, draw postorder traversal.

13. what is the difference between char const* , char *const ?

14. correction of a given code

15. write a macro function to return the maximum of two numbers.

16. how a pointer to a function is called & declared?

17 write a program for double linked list & delete the last node.

18. write a program for binary search of N numbers.

19. program related to string.
