L n T Infotech Whole-Testpaper |   24828

L n T Infotech Whole-Testpaper


Hi friends
L&T infotech had an offcampus in LIET ,Alwar on 07th June for 2007 batches.. There were more than 3000 students.

They conducted three rounds : 
1) Aptitude
3) HR+ Technical interview...

It took nearly 3 days 4 them to complete the procedure... On 07th June APtitude test was conducted.. It was a kind of general paper. Simplypractice RS Aggarwal for it

The paper was divided into three parts :
1)Numerical Ability    vere very easy
2)Logical reasonoing

The paper was qute easy .there was no -ve marking.. That is why i attempted all the questions .. But keep in mind this was the major elimination round ..Only 750 were  could clear the round  . and one of the lucky persons to clear it... The apti took place in 2 phases .In the first phase they selected around 500 people were selected. There result was declared at 06 pm ..But since i was in the second Phase  my result was declared at 11 pm..

Side by side they started GD for the cleared students of  1st phase at 06 pm.. the GD too k place in all  in 50 batches ..On 07 jjune the procedure continued till 02 am..then my  GD took place the nxt day it was on 08th june .they were telling the results of GD there itself .in my batch there were 20 students and 08 could clear .Basically they were checking ur Communication Skills,, ur presentation and ur fluency..

Some of the topics of GD were
Life after Deathh :: it was abt how ur family is ruined after ur death 
Use of a uniform language
Should India occupy POK
Senoirity vs Merit
Education vs Knowledge
Ur comments on spiritual books
Should there be private universities
Indian Economy   and there were many more..

The  GDs finished up till 04:30 pm ..Then started the Tech+ Hr interviews at around 05:45 pm Mine was completely HR  
The interviewer asked me abt myself and my family backgound
Wat do u know abt LnT
Why shud we hire u
Why dod u want 2 join LnT
Wat do u know abt C and C++.
U r 4m ECE will u be comfortable  in changing ur stream
wat is ur biggest achievment till date
wat do u think abt taking an INITIATIVE

It lasted 4 hardly 15 minutes... It went fine .. But they were asking technical too .. Also mug up ur resume.. and dnt mention anything which u dont know.....

My interview took place the nxt day on 09th june .. and the interviews were conducted till 11:30 pm .. They have their PPT in the end .It was on 09 June at !1 pm and the results were declared at  01 :00 am 246 students were selected and I was on of them..

