L n T Infotech Whole-Testpaper |   9586

L n T Infotech Whole-Testpaper


Hello Friends,
This is Sravan Kumar Sarikonda...completed  B.E in ECE from Sir C.R.Reddy College of Engineering,Eluru ...Andhra Pradesh..

Iam very happy to inform u all that i got placement in L & T Infotech Limited on 23rd June,2008 through Walkin Interview  in L & T  Infotech campus,Chennai..

My motive and intention of submitting paper and my experiences through out the selection process is to make u feel that little hardwork,self confidence and right preparation for the test is enough to crack the placement in prestigious L & T  Infotech Limited....

I think around 600  (1st batch) sat for the written test on that day  and around 3500 attended the selection process..(Iam not sure about the figures)

The selection process has 3 rounds....
(1) Written Test ..3 sections again ..(a) Aptitude ..(b)...Reasoning...(c) English..of 30Q each and the duration for the test is 90Min..
(2) Group Discussion..this is the big battle...maximum elimination round in L & T Infotech..
(3)Tech+HR Interview ...but mostly HR only..based on the academic performance..i.e.,Good percentge,Paper Presentations and Projects

I dont remember the Questions but..I will give u brief information on all the rounds along with my experience...

(1) Written Test:
Aptitude: Almost all the important topics in Aptitude like..Number systems,Ratio-proportion and Variation,Boats and streams,Profit Loss discount,Percentages,TSD,Chain Rule,Problems on Trains ...are covered..and this section is very easy..u can do it if u prepare  and practice well...i prepared Aptitude from Career Launcher Material...and R.S Agarwal is enough..ok.

Reasoning: all reasoning types like logical,analytical,syllogisms,Assumption based,conclusion based,Venn diagrams,Blood Relations( both r very tough),arithmatical reasoning and others are covered..and this is the tough section...for all these topics also i prepared from material of Career Launcher...prepare from any book but..practice more...

English: this is also tough section again...in this u can find questions on topics like..synonyms(4-5),antonyms(3-4),analogies(4),sentence completion,finding errors in the sentence,1-2 RC's..and other grammar concepts...

Manage time well..bcoz there is a sectional cutoff........From a total of around 600 in our Batch..144 cleared the test...and Most Important about the test is :Sectional cut-off and overall cut-off.i think it is 22 in each section and no '-ve' marking...

(2) Group Discussion: Main  Hurdle...
12 members in a group..sir gave us the topic and allowed to think for 2Min...then discussion for 10 min..then after each one has got a chance to summarise for 30 sec...

Be cool and calm without any tense mood in GD..and topics will be very easy ones..just speak confidently 4-5 points with smiling face..u will be thru the GD..our topic was  "Women or Men ...Who is the Best Leader ?"..from 12 groups of 12 each they selected 3-4 in each group..around 55 were selected..(iam not sure about fig)

Note:U will be given a HR form of L & T Infotech to fill up after the GD..Be careful while filling the form..Bcoz Interview will be based on that form only....

(3)HR Interview: Very Cool..it was 1-many interview .for us...it is just about to check ur confidence level and communication ability..and convey HR ..How Different U are..

After our Interview ..other sir  announced the list of selected candidates from our Interview .. finally iam not sure about figures..around  30-36 were selected in our batch of around 600...and finally my long cherished dream of getting into MNC has come true..and most lovable moment in my life..and then we got the offer letters on the spot..after half an hour...package is 2.2lakh p.a (1 year) in training and 2.97 lakh p.a after that.....

Remember friends.. No one can Snatch ur job from u other than u..keep fith in God..,be confident Urself.. struggle.. Try..Try ...Try   until u get it without loosing Hope.. I believe in these two quotations:"If u have attitude to fight and achieve perfection ..Ur race ends in a victory...."

"Nothing is impossible as it seems ..Impossible becomes possible ..if u have the courage to withstand..and U are the creator of ur own Destiny" And at last Thanks for reading my looooong paper with patience and hope this will benefit u in ur preparation for the process..and hope to meet u all at the L & T Infotech Campus..

Wishing U All The Best.....
Sravan Kumar....
