L n T Infotech Interview-HR Interview |   25922

L n T Infotech Interview-HR Interview


Company Name: L&T INFOTECH
Type: Fresher
Job Interview, Question Paper

Dear Friend's Good Morning sir I have attended the L & T InfoTech in it. Around 700 students were there 10 & 12 & BE :55,55,58%

Total number of round: 4

Written Round - 30 Questions

Verbal - 30 Questions

English - 30 Questions

Total time is 90 min and there is sectional cut-off was their in all section 15 each. So we have 2 give wait age to all the section not to a particular one (we have to make on self as a Jake of all field) 350 clear the written. And One day before PPT main thing regarding to this all is PPT of L&T because they Give very long ppt one day before the written of 2 hour and their they call to 8 to 10 student randomly .But it was very interactive section and we should concentrate their because who gave the ppt out of 20 hr head tech. They are 5 so we should take part their.
Group Discussion

Sir there are more then 8 panels for good That is biggest elimination round if we want 2 be a part of L & T then We have to clear it by hook by cook. In group discussion they will judge you on 4 point

Content matters but not that much that our Listening power ,Eye contact because Before GD they give this instruction so we have 2 follow it otherwise we will have to pay for it In my GD 15 guys were their they selected 3 of them topics for me.1 Economic recharged make the poorer people poor and richer people rich.

2 My friends life after death.
3. At date day in my collage preparation was going on for 26 January so what we do and last 60 year.

Sir in L&T, Accenture, Avya they usually repeated the GD topic dam sure so prepared 10 point earlier And speak it their sir its my request 2 you so mention the 4th point in GD. hat wastage a lot what I feel :presence of mind Because through it we can easily adapt the other gays point we republish it and speak at that time. and sir what I feel that So we can clear the GD on the basis on 4 point only GENS gesture eye contact nodding smile.ok in l&t they give a 5 pages form before written your tpo send it on your mail before 1 day Because only it contain the more wastage not resume in technical interview.
Technical Round

For third round my luck favored me a lot they change my panel 2 time their were 8 panels

So my turn come at 7.30 pm at evening

Gt: May I come in sir?
Hr: Yes then I good evening (hr show his fingers and indicate me to sit but I felt that 50-50 so that’s why I didn’t sit) Then he said by voice please sit

Hr: See the my form and
Hr : Tell me smartly about you?

Gt : With conversational tone
Hr: Ok you mention that your hobbies are collection of question

Gt: Yes sir
Hr : Which kind of quotes

Gt: Mostly motivational
Hr: How many you have remember
Gt : More then 200
Hr : Speak 5

Gt: I m fond of it I spoke 3 third he didn’t get it he told me explain it 2 times I explain it those who sweat in Pease they never bleed in battle field)
Hr: ok
Hr: so gaurav tell me about your project
Gt : explain him

Hr:so gaurav u don’t like the technical sub u didn’t mention in form
Gt: sir I m having the basic knowledge on ds ,os ,and sir itesme
Hr :what’s about programming?
Gt I m in td making of

Hr: diff btw c/c++
Gt : 4 pont very solid I felt god na apna kam kar diya ab apni pari. I m in final year it branch then. all know but in wisdom I gave d ans of these que ans 3 time infront off piter.abhisheke,and nikita
So at that time through this answer he make the positive image regarding to me
Hr: constructor
Gt: explain

Hr: copy constructor
Gt: don’t know
Hr: gaurav in which topic u feel comfortable
Gt: concept of oops

Hr: what is polymorphism (and he asked really u feel comfortable)
Gt: explain with very big smile confidence and .full of energy through
Hr: Hr: operator overloadding kiska ex hai
Gt: I told compile time ka he told that explain it I don’t know but luck favors’ me a lot and suddenly volunteers come with samosa and hr told him for tea and mater change from technical to bit and super so gaurav whish dish u like mostly
Hr: why?
Gt:sir bez my mom makes itly very well

Hr: ones again divert from topic and come back on technical
Hr:so gaurav inheritance abstraction encapsulation,
Gt: I told only.
Hr: doubt (project bez I use core java mention j2se)
He asked what is this what is j2se

Gt: I explain it with very f luent manner
He : ones again gaurav u know j2se
Gt:not know but show my self as a scjp programmer and he told ok gaurav u know java whats about
operator overloading in java fir sa aa gaya
I told it doesn’t support by java so that why I don’t know. ok
Hr:group members related 4 q
Gt: perfect ans

Hr:gaurav u r a head of a project and u r having 15 emp in l&t
10 are not up d mark 5 including u (whatever u want)
How can u make the project within 15 days your boss told you. and all members of office told u
It impossible then what will u do explain it?
Gt: I took 1 min and explain him in best manner( leader ship)
Hr: what prop u face during the project

Hr:have u submitted before the deadline
Hr: have u made it by own (he know that its fake )
Gt:group work suggestion from hod my brother friends from sati my brothers senior coaching of core java
Then he told ok Finally 25 min ho gaya and one again volunteer disturb him And he told gaurav be ready for
HR round.

Gt: thaankswith smile and with dare I asked him may I ask d question
Hr: with smile he told why not sure

Gt: ask 2 q and he explain around 7 min approx
(wo samosa cold ho gaya tha bez I didn’t take it my concentration went their 3 to 4 time Because I was hungry at that time but I didn’t offer me because he was also. After my interview he ate it and took 20 min break) And in campus day we should bring more then 5 biskit paket bez in ni8 there is no canteen no shop so be preparer and develop the be aring capacity.
I'm waiting for my tech result bez same sentence he told 2 my friend kurana that be ready for hr round but he got a name in rejected list
HR round:
The time came they called me 4 hr ts around 11.15 I sit infront of the hr Room But he took the interview of a gye around 1 hour so we were wetting. The person who sit 2 student next 2 me his interview duration is 5 min and he got place apna number aa gaya But one miracle ones again happen my panel changed And I was happy because new panel is very good and they were asking very easy questions. That I hear straight from the horses mouth and finally 11.45 I entered into room

Sir I feel that aap soch raha how I know throw timing?
So my friends and brother told me that each and every body is having a one day and that day he will defiantly select
So that’s why I want to enter room before 12.am
Hr mam : come
Me: I wished her
She: tell me smt about u fast
Me: I didn’t get her what she told
Me :sorry please recall The Question
She :ok
Me: forget old start with new zeal and spoke in gud manner

She : gaurav u won at state level in SHRIMAD BHAGWAT GEETA?
GT: yes mam (I don’t wont to leave this oppurnity so I told about my school fun and geeta path is also there)
She : what you learn from it
Gt: the speech what I gave in wisdom that I cut copy paste there
She : geeta give d msg 2 speak lie?

Gt: yes
She: explain it

Gt: I told story of aswatthama elephant and suru drone
She :the persone who spoke lie he ll get the punishment in future?

Gt: my opinion differ from other
She : how was your gd and what is topic?

Gt: fantastic’s I and I enjoyed a lot but I took 15 sec to recall the topic
She: why they selected u

Gt: in my form I mention my qualities (initial person , pleasant persona)
That I mention
She :why L&T

Gt: every companies growth depends on their emo
And on new tech and I m always ready to accept new challenges and new technology.
So She :what is pitch of modulation
Gt: my weekness and I m working on it

She: how
Gt: by recording my voice jet audio ,by default os ma, mob

She: about papaji
She: about bhiya mummy,ogi,

She : how was your tech
Ok you can leave now be bye
